The Bayonne Belt Railway

Should now be fixed, cheers., not really Alan. I now have two versions of the route showing up and neither is downloadable. Where the download buttons are supposed to be there is a message that says "TRS2006 SP1 serial number required". Could we manage to fix this and then delete the first version of the route.
Bayonne: a wonderful route

Hello Georges,

Your layout is a masterpiece! Thanks for your talent and hard work.:), not really Alan. I now have two versions of the route showing up and neither is downloadable. Where the download buttons are supposed to be there is a message that says "TRS2006 SP1 serial number required". Could we manage to fix this and then delete the first version of the route.

hmm, they both downloaded fine here, can anyone else check if they can see them on the DLS and download them.

George, which version do you want removed? the older one I assume?

edit: ok for some reason you need TC registered to see and D/L them. I will have this looked at. Cheers.
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I'm afraid I still can't download it.

Nevermind....several hours later and it's working so far. I got you now ,Fisher; I finally built a computer that can run your routes...Bwaahahahahahahahaha!
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I'm afraid I still can't download it.

Nevermind....several hours later and it's working so far. I got you now ,Fisher; I finally built a computer that can run your routes...Bwaahahahahahahahaha!

Oh yeah? Go drive around under where the two viaducts cross and see what you get :)
I stand corrected, although I haven't yet tweaked my new system for Trainz, I conceded that the "Fisher Factor" may be, indeed, unbeatable. It occurs to me that perhaps someday there may be a separate OS developed just for gamers, and perhaps that will even have separate versions, maximized for different types of games. Who knows what the future will bring?
The funny thing is, everytime I upgrade my system to be able to run his routes, he comes out with another route that brings the upgraded system to its knees :hehe:.

I'm thinking there are just a heck of a lot of polys in those beautiful bridges...
George certainly has a flair for capturing the quintessential American railroad, whether it be the farmland in the Midwest, or the gritty urban areas of the East coast, or the lush waterways of the South. I hold his talent in the highest of regards.

Unfortunately, his only chance of producing a framerate friendly route would lie in modeling a railroad on the Lunar surface.....and he probably would find too much detail to add to that as well!

:hehe: Ed
Unfortunately, his only chance of producing a framerate friendly route would lie in modeling a railroad on the Lunar surface.....and he probably would find too much detail to add to that as well!

:hehe: Ed
Well he would have to model all the lumps of rock there :D
At least there would be no grass.

I come from Trainz B.G.......before grass. Anybody else remember those heady days of grassless layouts?

The map is running fine in T:ANE SP2, and it is still an excellent view (144 Hz Monitor, Nvidia Geforce 1080 SLI) :)

The elder among us will have all the content; some fiddling is therefore necessary, to get it faultless. ;)


PS: I know, that the thread is more than ten years old :)