That daunting task of cleaning up content...

Hello Jan,

Thank you for the provided links. It probably will take me some time before I fully understand the text on the wiki page :eek:. Perhaps finding the solution will go faster, switching frequently to the example of a new spline config link.
However, being busy with my route, I noticed that using Eldwane track-assets in combination with other track-assets, gave me unwanted results ( cars were no longer driving ). Up to know, I haven't found the reason why this issue occurs.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
I've just gotten to the task of deleting most of the built-in assets since i never use them and favor the American content more. However, while deleting locally installed assets is a snap, what does one do about the built-in assets like the Class 26 Blue? I never run it and would really like to know how to delet these built-in assets that I never run.
Well I've made it to the Ks and still going strong. I was able to fix some of the older locomotives. I ditched a lot because many of them are now duplicates of what I have in my JR collection. Like Slabay why have multiple locos when the ARN library takes care of this.

While cleaning up and looking at my "collection", I've gotten some ideas for some new routes!

We too have been in the dangerously high humidity and temperatures with very severe thunderstorms.

Got about half of the built-in content disabled. Gotta get done with the BR content, weird looking things they are. Speaking of storms, we got blasted by one a couple days ago. About three inches of rain in an hour's time.

I havent gotten this far as yet but I do know if I download an asset that is faulty and I cant fix it I delete it immediately and than seek help.

enjoy the summer as we are in winter in Australia but still mild.

Shane G

This is my game plan going forward as well, Shane. I no longer bother to fix anything I download as faulty. It's much easier to clean everything up and then keep the selection clean going forward.

So far I'm now into the Us, UTLX to be exact. It's a long process, but well worth the effort.

I've found my Trainz to be particularly slow at times when I open tabs..... does this clean up and the associated disabling of assets speed things up in Surveyor? Or have you not noticed a difference? (Of course, with less assets, it is quicker to go through the lists, but I was wondering at the speed of the program)
I've found my Trainz to be particularly slow at times when I open tabs..... does this clean up and the associated disabling of assets speed things up in Surveyor? Or have you not noticed a difference? (Of course, with less assets, it is quicker to go through the lists, but I was wondering at the speed of the program)

Good question, Scott. I would assume it does because there is less content referenced in the asset database. I also notice better performance after running a database repair which would indicate that there is some kind of pointer clean-up happening in the routines.


Just for info.

This happens to my 2010 Trainz version a few weeks ago.

On Monday June 18th, when I wanted to start Trainz 2010, it just refused to start. Restarted my pc, and then when I started Trainz 2010 I got the message

Updating trainz asset database - after a while I got Scanning for modified asset files and later on I got checking for faulty assets.

The final result was 2314 errors 150 warnings

Then something weird happened. After the update trainz asset database process I wanted to start trainz from within contentmanager.

When clicking on the start trainz item - content manager wanted to commit a route, which was created with Transdem a few weeks ago. When I tried to import that route at that time as content, a taddaemon error was received.

The content couldn't be imported due to its big size ( nearly 1gb ). Now, it's strange that content manager is trying to commit that large route, without me using the import content item. So something odd is happening when the update asset database starts

Furthermore, I scrolled down in the content manager and I suddenly saw routes standing ( size more than 1Gb) which I tried to import some weeks ago but received the taddaemon error.

Now, those routes were in content manager and when opening Trainz, the routes were fully available and presented no errors when opening

And to finish another remarkable thing. I noticed when checking the content of content manager that routes which had been deleted by me where back in content manager.

Also something else, I had to delete those big routes due to the fact that I couldn't not do a database repair anymore. So I have created a helpdesk ticket.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

Just for info.

This happens to my 2010 Trainz version a few weeks ago.

On Monday June 18th, when I wanted to start Trainz 2010, it just refused to start. Restarted my pc, and then when I started Trainz 2010 I got the message

Updating trainz asset database - after a while I got Scanning for modified asset files and later on I got checking for faulty assets.

The final result was 2314 errors 150 warnings

Then something weird happened. After the update trainz asset database process I wanted to start trainz from within contentmanager.

When clicking on the start trainz item - content manager wanted to commit a route, which was created with Transdem a few weeks ago. When I tried to import that route at that time as content, a taddaemon error was received.

The content couldn't be imported due to its big size ( nearly 1gb ). Now, it's strange that content manager is trying to commit that large route, without me using the import content item. So something odd is happening when the update asset database starts

Furthermore, I scrolled down in the content manager and I suddenly saw routes standing ( size more than 1Gb) which I tried to import some weeks ago but received the taddaemon error.

Now, those routes were in content manager and when opening Trainz, the routes were fully available and presented no errors when opening

And to finish another remarkable thing. I noticed when checking the content of content manager that routes which had been deleted by me where back in content manager.

Also something else, I had to delete those big routes due to the fact that I couldn't not do a database repair anymore. So I have created a helpdesk ticket.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:


This sounds like you had a database crash. The "Updating Asset Database" message is really a misnomer. Instead it should say "Check database for errors". When this process is going on, never turn your computer off or do anything else, otherwise you'll risk losing your asset database.

Now in your case, you can probably recover your Trainz install. I've done this before with TRS2006 and TRS2009 when things got quirky and had to install.

1) For TS12 copy your UserData directory to another location.
2) Reinstall Trainz from scratch, applying all patches required for your build.
3) Test the base install to ensure everything is all happy and working like it's supposed to be.
4) Open up Content Manager and choose File Import Content from the file menu

The process will take some time.

If a dialog box comes up about replacing existing content, answer NO. You don't want to overwrite good content with bad.

When th import is done, you may have to commit the data if you didn't set the option to auto-commit when importing.

Hope this helps.


This sounds like you had a database crash. The "Updating Asset Database" message is really a misnomer. Instead it should say "Check database for errors". When this process is going on, never turn your computer off or do anything else, otherwise you'll risk losing your asset database.

Now in your case, you can probably recover your Trainz install. I've done this before with TRS2006 and TRS2009 when things got quirky and had to install.

1) For TS12 copy your UserData directory to another location.
2) Reinstall Trainz from scratch, applying all patches required for your build.
3) Test the base install to ensure everything is all happy and working like it's supposed to be.
4) Open up Content Manager and choose File Import Content from the file menu

The process will take some time.

If a dialog box comes up about replacing existing content, answer NO. You don't want to overwrite good content with bad.

When th import is done, you may have to commit the data if you didn't set the option to auto-commit when importing.

Hope this helps.


Hello John,

Thank you for your reply and advice.

The situation in my post 29 happened with the version of Trainz2010 which was on my c-drive of my main harddrive. I had also a triple backup available on several other connected HDs ( internal and external ).

At first, I didn't know what to do. Finally I started the process as I described it in my post 29.

After the process was completed, I was in doubt - Was this version of trainz2010 still reliable?

So I decided to check one of the backups on the other HDs. To my big suprise, Trainz2010 started immediately on the backup HD. I didn't get a message with updating Trainz asset database or something else.

From within content manager, I removed all assets ( being my big size content ). Since then, I have been using this backup-version.

I will install a fresh version of Trainz09,2010 and 12 + all service packs on a new 2TB external HD ( normally in my possession on Saterday Aug 4 ).

One other thing that I experienced was the following : I wanted to create a cdp-file with all error-free assets in it. So I started to select those assets. However, when trying to save the cdp-file, I received again the Taddeamon error. Probably again, because the cdp file was to large in size. Again Trainz2010 was no longer useable and I had to use Taskmanager to close Trainz2010 the hard way.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello John,

Thank you for your reply and advice.

The situation in my post 29 happened with the version of Trainz2010 which was on my c-drive of my main harddrive. I had also a triple backup available on several other connected HDs ( internal and external ).

At first, I didn't know what to do. Finally I started the process as I described it in my post 29.

After the process was completed, I was in doubt - Was this version of trainz2010 still reliable?

So I decided to check one of the backups on the other HDs. To my big suprise, Trainz2010 started immediately on the backup HD. I didn't get a message with updating Trainz asset database or something else.

From within content manager, I removed all assets ( being my big size content ). Since then, I have been using this backup-version.

I will install a fresh version of Trainz09,2010 and 12 + all service packs on a new 2TB external HD ( normally in my possession on Saterday Aug 4 ).

One other thing that I experienced was the following : I wanted to create a cdp-file with all error-free assets in it. So I started to select those assets. However, when trying to save the cdp-file, I received again the Taddeamon error. Probably again, because the cdp file was to large in size. Again Trainz2010 was no longer useable and I had to use Taskmanager to close Trainz2010 the hard way.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

I generally make multiple CDPs rather than just one big one. It's a lot easier to handle the smaller files, such as copying them to DVDs than it is trying to find media to hold one big file.

I have noticed that there is a bit of a performance hit using an external USB drive. It works, but in Surveyor, especially, loading in assets tends to slow down the program a little bit.

I generally make multiple CDPs rather than just one big one. It's a lot easier to handle the smaller files, such as copying them to DVDs than it is trying to find media to hold one big file.

I have noticed that there is a bit of a performance hit using an external USB drive. It works, but in Surveyor, especially, loading in assets tends to slow down the program a little bit.


Hello John,

I wanted to create 1 big cdpfile ( with non-errors assets ) to import them all in Ts12. Because 1 big cdp file was not possible, I created a couple of them.
I started to import them, together with my tram/train route ( rudimentary version - still busy with it, in Trainz10 ) in TS12. Big mistake - several assets gave errors in TS12 and some assets didn't show within my tram/train route. :(

Now, I'm in doubt weather to continue my tram/train route in TS12 because some assets are not TS12-ready and I couldn't find a solution and because fixing the errors takes a lot of time. :(

Due to the Taddaemon error, I started saving cdp-files using category-names ( houses, trams, trains ( electric, diesel, steam ), routes, trees, etc etc

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello John,

I wanted to create 1 big cdpfile ( with non-errors assets ) to import them all in Ts12. Because 1 big cdp file was not possible, I created a couple of them.
I started to import them, together with my tram/train route ( rudimentary version - still busy with it, in Trainz10 ) in TS12. Big mistake - several assets gave errors in TS12 and some assets didn't show within my tram/train route. :(

Now, I'm in doubt weather to continue my tram/train route in TS12 because some assets are not TS12-ready and I couldn't find a solution and because fixing the errors takes a lot of time. :(

Due to the Taddaemon error, I started saving cdp-files using category-names ( houses, trams, trains ( electric, diesel, steam ), routes, trees, etc etc

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

Your second method of saving the assets is better if you think about it. Having the individual categories helps you by not having to wait for a long time while the assets install. I understand your frustration with not having 100% working assets. The clean-up process is time-consuming, but it is worth the effort in the end. I have found that out myself. After cleaning up quite a bit of junk, the program loads a lot faster and the errored assets aren't dragging down the performance as the program slogs through the config files.

To prevent the database corruption in the future, set up Trainz to run the command consoles. This is done in the Options screen when launching Trainz. Go to the developer tab and check the box for this option. When you shutdown Trainz, wait for these two windows (sometimes there's only one) to close. Then it is safe to turn your computer off.

The second method is actually what I use to backup my routes content on a weekly basis, actual route I do daily, saved my skin on a couple of occasions.
Your second method of saving the assets is better if you think about it. Having the individual categories helps you by not having to wait for a long time while the assets install. I understand your frustration with not having 100% working assets. The clean-up process is time-consuming, but it is worth the effort in the end. I have found that out myself. After cleaning up quite a bit of junk, the program loads a lot faster and the errored assets aren't dragging down the performance as the program slogs through the config files.

To prevent the database corruption in the future, set up Trainz to run the command consoles. This is done in the Options screen when launching Trainz. Go to the developer tab and check the box for this option. When you shutdown Trainz, wait for these two windows (sometimes there's only one) to close. Then it is safe to turn your computer off.


Hello John,

Yes, you are right. Installing assets by the category method is a lot faster.

Refering to my tram/train route ( build in Ts2010 ) and importing it into TS12 action, I started verifying those errors in TS12. There are some errors ( anim.kin related ) which I cannot solve.

So before I can take a decision weather to continue the building of the tram/route in TS12, I first need to find a solution for those errors, or perhaps better, find an non-error asset which can replace the error asset. These errors in TS12 are also the cause why the route is slow when opening it.

I also activated the show database process windows in the options ( developer tab ) section. Now I now longer have to start taskmanager, and wait before the Taddeamon process disappears from within the Taskmanager process-screen.

Best regards

The second method is actually what I use to backup my routes content on a weekly basis, actual route I do daily, saved my skin on a couple of occasions.

Hello Malc,

I installed my trains versions in a separate Auran directory ( with subfolders TS2009,TS2010 and TS2012 ), not under program files. Whenever I take a backup, I completely take the trainz
version directory. It only takes some time;).

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello John,

Yes, you are right. Installing assets by the category method is a lot faster.

Refering to my tram/train route ( build in Ts2010 ) and importing it into TS12 action, I started verifying those errors in TS12. There are some errors ( anim.kin related ) which I cannot solve.

So before I can take a decision weather to continue the building of the tram/route in TS12, I first need to find a solution for those errors, or perhaps better, find an non-error asset which can replace the error asset. These errors in TS12 are also the cause why the route is slow when opening it.

I also activated the show database process windows in the options ( developer tab ) section. Now I now longer have to start taskmanager, and wait before the Taddeamon process disappears from within the Taskmanager process-screen.

Best regards


Hi Kurt,

I backup my copy of Trainz the same way. A full b/u to my external drive.

Now the anim.kin line can be removed since that is not needed anymore for TRS2009 and above. A good example of this is some older bogeys. They have the anim.kin line in there and that causes the wheels to continuously spin when the train is placed on the track. By removing that line from the asset's mesh section of the config.txt, that problem goes away and the asset works fine.

Don't give up on your route. Take a break from it and dive back in later. :)

Hi Kurt,

I backup my copy of Trainz the same way. A full b/u to my external drive.

Now the anim.kin line can be removed since that is not needed anymore for TRS2009 and above. A good example of this is some older bogeys. They have the anim.kin line in there and that causes the wheels to continuously spin when the train is placed on the track. By removing that line from the asset's mesh section of the config.txt, that problem goes away and the asset works fine.

Don't give up on your route. Take a break from it and dive back in later. :)


Hello John,

Just great news ( :clap:) about the anim.kin error. I will remove that feature from within the config.txt with much pleasure. :D

Also thank you for the mental support :Y: about continuing my tram/train route. I'm using the following method since 1 month - some further route changing, some error fixing, some google sketchup learning and trying to make Belgian railwaystations and also learning Gmax ( but I find Google Sketchup learning easier due to my moderate drawing skills ).

But this afternoon - I will be some bike riding ( lovely weather at this moment ) :cool:

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello John,

Just great news ( :clap:) about the anim.kin error. I will remove that feature from within the config.txt with much pleasure. :D

Also thank you for the mental support :Y: about continuing my tram/train route. I'm using the following method since 1 month - some further route changing, some error fixing, some google sketchup learning and trying to make Belgian railwaystations and also learning Gmax ( but I find Google Sketchup learning easier due to my moderate drawing skills ).

But this afternoon - I will be some bike riding ( lovely weather at this moment ) :cool:

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

Hi Kurt,

I'm glad I could help. :)

Here are the actual lines to remove.

anim "anim.kin"
animation-loop-speed 1

Once these are gone, the asset should work fine. Let's hope.

I'm glad you're having nice weather. We're socked in with rain the whole weekend.
