That daunting task of cleaning up content...


Trainzing since 12-2003
Well I decided it was time to clean up and clean out the stuff that I never, never, ever use as well as repair rolling stock that is config-file correct but is still broken. I'm not keeping anything unless it's already used, or it can be fixed. I started this last night and only made it to the "Es" in my locos and rolling stock, never mind the scenery items which is another whole ball of wax to deal with. With the rolling stock, I found lots of paper bogeys which I've replaced with better ones. Many of these wagons (freight cars) were updated to TRS2009 and above, but still had the paper wheels. Others were still old but serviceable. Replacing the bogeys brings some new life to the older stuff. Other items have script errors which I fixed by removing the script references. The scripts were for marker lights, etc., and not being a programmer puts me at the disadvantage. Other assets come up invisible even though there are no errors in CM. For these I used the PEV's PM2IM and Quick Shadows to create the appropriate mesh object format and updated the config file to match. And there are others that are so old or have really cartoony graphics, so they have to go. Locos have other issues including invisible sides and one built-in item has a corrupt mesh. The CN Vanderbit Tender has spikey things sticking out all over. A newer version has replaced it.

Question: How do I fix the 0-6-0s? I tried replacing the mesh for the bogeys but now they're too high under the loco body. Which ones work is probably a better question?

During my search and clean up process, I also ran into an old asset that actually crashed Surveyor! I had to pick carefully over the list until I found out which item was doing this. I figured that the asset probably worked at one point, but my Trainz install is now close to 8 years old and has been through a few reinstalls as well as PC rebuilds. Anything could have happened to the assets in the process. I noticed too that once I removed those bad assets, after crashing out a few times to the desktop, my Trainz install is a whole lot faster. Hmm... something to be on the lookout for when it comes to stutters and other issues.

I suppose having dual monitors and MS Excel helps. It beats writing down the broken or old asset for removal in CM later on. I have my list open on one monitor, copy the name into the Excel list, and type in the KUID (I have show KUIDs on). I also have a space for the error and comments so I know what to do when it comes to fixing the stuff.

Anyway has anyone else done this? It's a long process that I put off for some time, but decided to finally given in and do it.

If replacing bogies the positions tag is your friend, you can either shift the bogies up or down, works in 2009 2010 and TS12, doesn't in lower versions.

I replaced the old style wheels on kevmt's early narrow gauge Ffestiniog coaches with my own bogies, firstly as they paper and not animated and secondly they were lower than the normal track level, and didn't match his later stuff I also using the postion tag shifted the bogies up a touch on his early loco's for the same reason. worked well.
Anyway has anyone else done this? It's a long process that I put off for some time, but decided to finally given in and do it.


Hello John,

Well I also started cleaning up the faulty errors ( 367 to be exact ) in my Trainz2010 version. I also used an Excel file, to put all faulty errors in it. Once the error was solved, I placed an OK in a nearby column.
I thought I could clean up the faulty errors in a few hours. Yeah right - now a week further, and I have still some 150 errors left. I have even contacted the creators of the assets, hoping to get a solution.
Presently, I continue the job on a rainy day - which will not be this week. Finally we have sunny days and a lovely 23 degrees C. :D

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
I dabbled with this myself this week, and the fact that I have nearly 2000 faulty assets is WAY overwhelming. I was fiddling with some reskins I was doing and it annoyed me that every time I open the Rolling Stock tab in Surveyor, it defaults to the UP locomotive and EVERYTHING in the tab that is visible when it opens is red. I think I repaired about 5 locos before I called it a day.
This must be a summer thing to do, with Kurt and Scott going at it too. I've made it into the HV's now. Another issue has come up with some locos. Moving wheels that shouldn't be moving all the time. I think this is something that's fixed by removing the anim line in the bogey container located in the config.txt file.

Kurt - the 20s sound nice. We're up in the mid-30s here with high humidity again.

Scott - I'll be calling it a day soon as well. There's so much stuff and so little time.

This must be a summer thing to do, with Kurt and Scott going at it too. I've made it into the HV's now. Another issue has come up with some locos. Moving wheels that shouldn't be moving all the time. I think this is something that's fixed by removing the anim line in the bogey container located in the config.txt file.

I had a problem with prjindigo's (sp?) SD40's and Ed (Euphod) directed me to this thread which solved the problem with wheels. (Mine were actually turning backwards even at a standstill.
Anyway has anyone else done this? It's a long process that I put off for some time, but decided to finally given in and do it.


Hmm, I remember doing this when I was quite new with trainz in my trs2006 period. :hehe:
In those days I was surprised that about 50% downloaded from the DLS showed faults and allthough most of it did show up without a problem in the simulator, at a certain point I thought enough is enough...

With ts2010 and TS12 I've been much more critical with what I download and if there are dependencies that come up faulty I fix them immediately, sometimes even while a batch is downloading still.

And yes you're right, letting the trainz engine repair things on the fly as happened in trs2006 I presume, or at least check if an object is placable in 2010 and 12 will put a drain on CPU cycles for running the game.

Greetings from sunny Amsterdam,

Hmm, I remember doing this when I was quite new with trainz in my trs2006 period. :hehe:
In those days I was surprised that about 50% downloaded from the DLS showed faults and allthough most of it did show up without a problem in the simulator, at a certain point I thought enough is enough...

With ts2010 and TS12 I've been much more critical with what I download and if there are dependencies that come up faulty I fix them immediately, sometimes even while a batch is downloading still.

And yes you're right, letting the trainz engine repair things on the fly as happened in trs2006 I presume, or at least check if an object is placable in 2010 and 12 will put a drain on CPU cycles for running the game.

Greetings from sunny Amsterdam,


Hello Jan,

I do the same thing now as well. If anything is bad on download I fix it right away, or worse delete it. I don't want another mess like I have now to clean-up as I too have become more criticle of my content.

I've found myself going through and deleting a bunch of older stuff myself.... for example, I have quite a few JR Conrail locos, so why would I need to keep 30 other Conrail locos- I have some instances where I have 5 different copies of the same loco to have different running numbers, they are all faulty, JR's have ARN, and I don't need to hassle with them. With the exception of the odd skin here and there (like Operation Lifesaver or something), to the dumpster they go. I have some stuff that is on kuid2:*:*:4 or more that I've got several obsolete versions of that have gotten pitched (why doesn't Trainz do this automatically when it updates something?) I've pitched my own primitive reskins from UTC (which are now faulty too).

While I'm at it, if you install software like Photoshop or Office, you have an install dialog that asks if you want to install the full package, the basics, any extra fonts, whatever. Frankly, I have no interest in British or European trains. I'm quite sure there are those of us out there "across the pond" that have absolutely no interest in our American stuff. It would be nice if Trainz had an installer where I could check to install everything or only by geographical area.

It seems that I download faulty content at a much faster rate than I can manage to repair it.
Hello Jan,

I do the same thing now as well. If anything is bad on download I fix it right away, or worse delete it. I don't want another mess like I have now to clean-up as I too have become more criticle of my content.


Hello Jan, John

Last night, even with those lovely temperatures ( still 23 C ), I couldn't resist to do some more cleaning. However, to my big suprise - I had some assets which couldn't be deleted :eek:. I did some research and found the assests were built-in.

Up to know, I have not found a method to delete those built-in assets. However, It seems that you must think twice before deleting built-in assets .

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello Jan, John

Last night, even with those lovely temperatures ( still 23 C ), I couldn't resist to do some more cleaning. However, to my big suprise - I had some assets which couldn't be deleted :eek:. I did some research and found the assests were built-in.

Up to know, I have not found a method to delete those built-in assets. However, It seems that you must think twice before deleting built-in assets .

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

I think deleting the built-in content (or even trying to) just makes for a bigger disaster. Try right clicking on the asset and go down to Disable/Enable. At least with the assets disabled, they won't be cluttering up the lists.

I had to break out Google to convert, and I've got you beat. It only got down to a very humid 81 last night- that's 27 to you. I can't wait for summer to be OVER! At least I don't work in the daytime anymore where it is supposed to be 95 with a "feels like" of 115 (35 and 46)!!
Built-in assets cannot be removed in versions later than TRS2004 (in TRS2004 there was a way of doing so, but was a risky process).

They can be disabled though.

Hello Scott, Shane

Thank you for the info. It's just a pity that disabled assets are still in the object or spline list within surveryor mode.

I have a strange effect with three splines from Eldwane - A-Autoroutes 2 x 2 voies, A- Autoroutes 2 x 2 voies simple and A- route sortie ( which can be deleted ).

With those assets I can only see the spline circles nothing else :eek:.

Ps As of Friday back to umbrella weather :( ( Belgian summer up to now - 5 days )

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
belgian46;1014385It's just a pity that disabled assets are still in the object or spline list within surveryor mode. >snip< Ps As of Friday back to umbrella weather :( ( Belgian summer up to now - 5 days ) Best regards Kurt :wave:[/QUOTE said:
I never realized that disabling the assets didn't really disable the assets. That doesn't make much sense now, does it?

Florida summer too. Scorching hot, humid, and rains almost every afternoon. :(
Hello Scott,

Well, I too expected the disabled assets to be left out of the object or spline list within surveyor mode. But no, they still there.

Oh well, I will add another list in my spreadsheet file ( a worksheet for assets with errors and a worksheet with assets I disabled and perhaps a list with assets with strange behaviour )

Best regards

Kurt :wave:

Splines only showing spline points is something I've encountered in 2010 and 12 as well. I first thought this was because of changed config rules for splines nowadays, however opening them showed no *.im file to be found in there. I haven't tried what would happen if I clone them first before opening, maybe then suddenly an *.im file will appear. Hmm, when I find the time I'll have a look.

Btw, you know when you open a buildin asset for editing you should allways do a Revert to Original, never Commit, or you really have a faulty asset with red exclamation mark on your hands. :hehe:

Greetings from dusk Amsterdam,


I havent gotten this far as yet but I do know if I download an asset that is faulty and I cant fix it I delete it immediately and than seek help.

enjoy the summer as we are in winter in Australia but still mild.

Shane G

Splines only showing spline points is something I've encountered in 2010 and 12 as well. I first thought this was because of changed config rules for splines nowadays, however opening them showed no *.im file to be found in there. I haven't tried what would happen if I clone them first before opening, maybe then suddenly an *.im file will appear. Hmm, when I find the time I'll have a look.

Btw, you know when you open a buildin asset for editing you should allways do a Revert to Original, never Commit, or you really have a faulty asset with red exclamation mark on your hands. :hehe:

Greetings from dusk Amsterdam,


Hello Jan,

Thank you for the extra info.

I checked

a) A- autoroutes 2x2 voies with a obsolete asset kuid 64819:37500 / and asset kuid2:64819:37500:1 - both have an im.file
b) A- autoroutes 2x2 voies simple with a obsolete asset kuid 64819:37507 / and asset kuid2:64819:37507:1 - both have an im.file
c) A- Route sortie asset kuid2:64819:37502:1 - also has an im.file

Btw I don't mind have a red exclamation mark - however I dislike not finding a solution for the problem .

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
Hello Kurt,

I've found that splines with build numbers as of ts2009, I believe that's build 2.9, need a LOD table in their config to show up at all, even when there's just one *.im file involved. Also as of ts2009 all splines need to be of kind track while flags set in the config determine where these 'track' splines show up in surveyor. It's all quite complicated described on the wiki's KIND Track page. Don't forget to follow the links at the bottom of that page to read up on the 'track-lod-tree' and Track Part containers. Also here is a link to an example of a new spline config scenery item I showed when a 'spline invisible' question came up some time ago. :hehe:

Personally I would clone the assets first, see if you can get them show up with the above and if it works change the kuid back to the original buildin kuid number with a higher version number, using the kuid2 system.

Greetings from dusk Amsterdam,
