

New member
I ddon't know where my last post went but I will redo it.

First, I would like to thank all of my fellow TRAINZers for all the wonderful items that you have posted on the download station. I don't know if anyone realizes how much time and effort goes into the items that are there for us to use, as we see necessary to complete our own layouts. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL.:)

Now I have a two complaints about some of the items on the download station. I know that all of us at sometime or another have downloaded an item from the download station and installed it unto our TRAINZ program, either 2004 or 2006. Only to realize that when one looks for the item it is not there. It then becomes necessary to hunt for the missing KUID/KUIDs, only to be told that they are not on the station. So now you have to either delete the item or try to find a work around to get it to run. This is most appropriate with rolling stock. One downloads a fine steam engine only to be told there are missing items. If one tries to contact the creator of the item via e-mail most of the time you will get the missing items from the member. Some times you get no answer, Just a request. If you download an item to the download station, please make sure all KUID's are there. It would be a big help.

Also I have downloaded many layouts that I have found interesting. Installed all the items that I can and then find out that one or more items are payware items. If you include payware items in the layout please advise in the comment area. It would be a great help.

I know this is a long thread but these are items that I don't think have been addressed before.

Again a big THANK YOU to all of our members who have posted their wonderful items for us to use.

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