texture problem


rout builder
has anyone had problems with textures on a baseboard were it only appears in squares and u cant mix textures because it just forms in 1x1 squares
It's not a problem - it's a feature :)

You can't 'mix' ground textures, but you can create fairly subtle variations by very lightly tapping the mouse button to apply just a hint of a second texture over a background colour...

Did you know you can reduce the tiled look by rotating the textures as you apply them? In TRS2004, this is done by holding down either of the square bracket keys, ie. ] or [ while dabbing textures onto the board. Look for a similar function if using TC or TRS2006.

Changing the scale of the texture also helps (one of those dials on the control tab).

Ultimately though, there are some textures that unfortunately have just too much "structure" in them and they always form a tiled pattern to some extent.