Texas&Pacific Project


Forsaken Northern Builder
this is my first project ever worked on santafebuff and i are going to do this project. will post a pic soon from galveston to amarillo
Change in track plans we travel on the texan as it goes across the route from Dallas Union Station to who knows where?
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Well, it could be 40's, it could be 60's, or perhaps some time before... just thought I'd ask.
Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing progress on this.:)
Um, we might have a problem.

Thanks to Auran's Forum screwing up and saying that I have TS2009, and showing me that he has TRS2006 in the Private Chat window, I thought I was working with someone with TRS2006! When I found out he thought I had TS2009, and I don't, and that he only has TS2009... Umm, help?

I'll see what I can do.

*on a side note* Be sure to watch for My Custom T&P #610 when i post the screenshots as it will be leading the Texan, which is the express train that runs through the route.
Ladies and Gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for i am proud to show some screenshots of the T&P route
in order:
Dallas Union Station's Yard with 2-10-4's #670 and #625(further than the one you see) the birdge is just a commuter bridge no trains pass by on it.
Dallas Union Station Platforms1,2&3 with local train in view.
The Texan Special Excursion train Headed by the star of the line #610
the Dallas Freight Station
Under the Old River Bridge





more soon to be here...

tough work the route has been. the T&P #610 is from Paulz Trainz as well as her sisters #670 and #625. there is another steam loco on the route but you cant see it T&P 2-10-2 #521.
Last for today before i go on my trip.

the Ft.Worth Station which is a few miles out of Downtown Dallas. which there will be a shot of soon...

as soon as the whole route is finished We will Travel along the route Aboard The Texan You won't want to miss this ride!
i am going to redo the route AGAIN! :eek: there are some errors i need to fix. so just sit tight there will be some new shots soon.
um what? i mean i am going to re-work this route since there are some new things i can use on it it's time to update it and not to mention there are some areas that are in disrepair and that require assitance.

route progress so far 25% complete
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well i have to bring the route up to TS2010 standards becasue of all the good stuff in there and all i have are TS2009 and TS2010 *i havent installed 2010 yet*
the route is back on track but this time it's gonna be as acurrate as the route itself.
im probably gonna go on a trip around texas and map some of their tracks and we'll go from there