My M.O. with trainz and the learning curve is switching between layout creation, AI control and asset creation. When one area of trainz gets long in the tooth, or I just get frustrated with "issues" I switch. Current area is on AI control and learning the best way to control particular aspects: rules or command lines. I was attempting to find a decent way to do if-then-else control, which can be challenging in the top-down general rule flow, when I discovered your variable control commands. From this I just searched DLS for scripts in which you were the author and I found the rest. Now I have a way to deal with conditionals via driver command. An added bonus is the command-line control which helps with the timing aspects of top-down rule execution; rules happen at the time the rule executes which can be tricky to coordinate with the timing of when a consist actually does something.
Current use for the Special Instructions->[calculate]length is managing a yard's consist inventory. I stock empties for redistribution while centralizing full inventory for hauls to portals. When a smallish consist comes into the yard with a load of full cars the loco needs to determine what siding can handle the incoming consist and what siding has empties to take back.
By the by, the Approach Target-> Couple Ahead or Stop at TM, and Approach Target->Couple Ahead and proceed to TM have saved me from all sorts of convoluted programing logic: Thanks.
Since we're on the subject, I have a couple of questions:
- Is there any reason why the "skip to label" and "jump to label" have 20 entries but the "Insert buff label" only allows 10? (And so far 10 has been ample.)
- The "Insert buff label" script information lists 2 associated commands I'm unable to locate: Skip when (trackmark vacant / occupied) and Insert green label. Do these exist?
This is more of a curiosity thing due to the fact I've found the majority of your other scripts helpful.
~Erik, and still slow.