TANE session won't load


Get over it
Just when I thought that everything was fine this happened. I've been modifying Neil's UMR to my needs and after saving a session I went back in to continue working on it and now it won't load All the other routes and sessions load but not the one I like the most. I'm thinking that it's an item that I modified but why would that prevent the session from loading? Where are the saved sessions? If I can find them maybe I can try loading a saved session. Thanks.
If you modify a route that's been created by someone else, you will have a clone of the old route and lose any associated sessions. There is a workaround for this, which is pretty easy.

1) Get the Kuid of your route and write it down.

2) Find the sessions for the original route you cloned.

3) Clone one of these sessions...

4) Open up the config.txt for editing, and change the route kuid reference to your own route.

5) Search the Kuid-table and replace the referenced Kuid in there as well.

6) Save the Config.txt

7) Submit and repeat for any other sessions available for the route you want to use.

I've done this numerous times as I've moved routes along from one version to another, but made no alterations to the session but wanted to take the session along as well. :)

Hello John and Good Morning. Thank you for replying. Now, before I start this adventure I want to clarify some items. After I downloaded Neil's route I immediately chose edit route and started to modify the route to fit my needs. There was no session. So what I have is the unedited route and my modified session. In Task Manager I get the message that TANE.exe is not responding when I try to run my modified session. This only happens for this route. According to your directions, #3, I should clone my modified session and open the config.txt in the unedited route and place my route kuid there. Is that correct? And to think I was near the end of modifying this route. Hope I don't have to start over.
It looks like we've crossed wires here... I thought the route came with a session already so it got lost, but apparently it's your own session.

Is the route really, really big? This might explain the not-responding and have you waited a few minutes to see if T:ANE will load it. I would hope so because I don't want you to have to start over.

But anyway, use this procedure if you have already created a route and session and want to move forward to a new version.

A little late here, soccer games and a late diner. Yes, it's a large route and yes I've waited for close to 10 minutes with no luck. Here's what I'm thinking, let me know what you think. I'll wait to hear back from you before I start. My thoughts: the route still has Neil's kuid - 95512:100005 while the session is under my kuid - 73492:10009. Can I clone my session, open the config in Neil's kuid and replace his kuid with mine and hope that works?
Grasping at straws here. Whatever that means.
A little late here, soccer games and a late diner. Yes, it's a large route and yes I've waited for close to 10 minutes with no luck. Here's what I'm thinking, let me know what you think. I'll wait to hear back from you before I start. My thoughts: the route still has Neil's kuid - 95512:100005 while the session is under my kuid - 73492:10009. Can I clone my session, open the config in Neil's kuid and replace his kuid with mine and hope that works?
Grasping at straws here. Whatever that means.

You can do that. That will then point your session to his route. I've done that a few times before and it works well.

Just remember to change the Kuid for the route in both places in the Config.txt file.

Sorry for getting back so late myself. We had visitors today which took away my time.

Hey John, tried your suggestions and can't get it to load. I think it has something to do with the error message I get in Task Manager: TANE.exe not responding. All my other routes and sessions are ok. I even put in a ticket at the Help Desk and received a reply several hours, not days, later. I'm retired like you so I think I'm going to start over. I tired of messing with this. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Sounds like a good plan... I would probably do the same since the session sounds like it's corrupted. I've had more than a few things lately which I've deleted rather than deal with. I think the longer I'm retired, the less patience I have for stuff.

You're welcome... I don't mind hanging around. :)
