Tane multiplayer session


hey everyone i would like to host a multiplayer session on the UMR summer short route V3 and session that goes with it. i will be hosting most of the day today and maybe tommorow as well, my build is from steam and is 81318 so hopefully you will be able to join. just be aware if you download this route from the DLS it may show locally modified assets, just show the modified assets in the content manager and delete them, then launch the game and session and it will prompt you to download the missing assets (that you deleted). once done this session works like a dream.

many thanks
Happy to see this initiative.
I hope you can find out if it is possible for Steam and N3V bought games to join the same session.
I am in the Uk so i know minimum of 5hrs from eastern USA i have had some success with the MP in the steam build but have no idea of it cross build compatibilities.. and Lewis i have the teamspeak address from the session discription in my bookmarks so i can always pop in if you have a hosted session.