TANE installing after creating a CDP file.


New member
G'day, this is both dumb and annoying, when I create a cdp file, TANE then proceeds to installs it leaving the original file open for edit. I thought I would try and trick it and as soon as it had created the file I closed TANE but guess what, it restarted and installed the newly created cdp file leaving the original (which it of course had overwritten) open for edit.
I hope this is fixed soon as it is most annoying and could cause people who are not aware of this untold problems.
This is all part and parcel of the failure of TANE to ask if you wish to overwrite an asset when installing CDP's which is a very basic thing which should have never been left out and was always a part of previous content managers.
Some good news on that front is that one of the testing builds according to the Trainz Dev forum has fixed the create/install issue you mention.

Having another program as default for opening .cdp files could help. A good one is the ContentDispatcher of TRS2004, which asks nicely before doing anything.
