TANE: I lost the traffic on my road & reorder a Driver Comand


New member
Hello friends.
I have two problems that have begun to be difficult for me. :( Age does not forgive.
First, I lost the traffic on my road. I've tried everything I remember, (change region, etc.) and nothing.
Second: My sessions, have the "Driver Command" 80 routes with dozens of stops. It becomes tiring, rewrite each of these routes another "Commanda Driver" of the session. I ask, is there any practical way to make a copy of portions of a session to another? or better yet reorder a certain Driver Command?
I appreciate the help.
Edit the sessions and check that the environment is set to a specific region. If it is set to default, there is no traffic.
Friend. First of all thank the answer.
But there is something wrong in my TANE because that suggestion had already been attempted by me before. But I again, as before:
Selecting "Add / move world origin" and "Find world origin", do not respond;
In the selection of "world coordinates origin" I changed into my zone and get the same without traffic.
In fact there's no place to save the changes, even the date. :(
Run a database repair...

Start T:ANE.

At the menu, click on Developer

Click on Rebuild Database.

This may fix it...

If it doesn't check for missing dependencies and stuff open for edit in Content Manager.