TANE Gremlin.


This is what I have to put up with, after my route has got to a certain size. This happened in TS 12 as well. Edit in session then transfer to route. SAVE. exit. Re load later and this is what happens. Any ideas anyone. Frustration level is mounting.


This has something to do with your methods if it happens in BOTH TS12 and T:ANE and has nothing to do with the route size.

Why are you putting down track in the session? Always put down permanent stuff on the route layer such as tracks, trees, buildings, textures, and anything else like that. The only thing you should do in a session is place consists, configure scripts and driver commands.

Separating the functions like that keeps things straight.
Ok I will try that, but I have always done it like that. Right from the start when this layer in thing was introduced. But I was only thinking size of route because it as only become apparent when we got to a certain size. Thanks we will give that a go.
This'll be your fault to an extent: use the route layer for everything but trains/session-only things. (i.e. A christmas session could have a santa on the route, and using the session layers means it'd only show in that christmas session)

This has something to do with your methods if it happens in BOTH TS12 and T:ANE and has nothing to do with the route size.

Why are you putting down track in the session? Always put down permanent stuff on the route layer such as tracks, trees, buildings, textures, and anything else like that. The only thing you should do in a session is place consists, configure scripts and driver commands.

Separating the functions like that keeps things straight.
Sorry to bother.but that didnt work either.

As an addition to all of that, I tried different ways of doing things. different content.track. tunnels. even deleting ground and starting over. Everytime I saved I got a different outcome. Track missing, or next time tunnel gone but some track attached. Never consistent. Edit in route when you save I get default shown in window. So I ignore that as I dont want another session, got a default session anyhow showing, besides the one I was working in. I just hope this is not the end of things, Trainz has tested my patience over many years. And has become part of me. Just seems it has lots of weird bugs in it, that dont show up in a consistent manner. Leave it at that. Any other ideas.
Yes we have plenty ;). First thing you should do is to attempt to merge your session layers into your route layer, that may get your assets back in place. If that is successful, follow John's advice and only edit your route in the route layers as sessions are for consists, scripts and commands. Route layer is for things you build, session layer is for things you run on the route. Try not to touch the default session and if you are asked to overwrite the session when saving, it is always a good idea to do that.
In TANE I have successfully merged 21 routes together (Main South routes and branches plus Goulburn Murray and a DEM from Shepparton to Mangalore and Illawarra) well over 1000kms of track and it saves without a problem with no assets randomly going missing (takes about 3 minutes to save). I can edit it with no problems and I do follow the guidelines that John mentioned. There really is nothing much wrong with TANE and since SP1 the only problems I have had have been self inflicted.
I hope this help you out and just remember to work within TANEs limitations eg. don't try to extend a spline longer than a baseboard.
Merry Christmas
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One additional thought. When you reopen the route/session be sure you open the session for editing and not the route. Several times I have been working on a route and saved it. Later when I open it I find to my horror that lots of stuff appears to be missing, but then I realize I had opened the route for editing and not the session. Once I do this everything returns as expected.
What I'm thinking is he's opening the route in route editing mode one time and session editing in another, which is putting stuff in the two different places causing the missing content.

By keeping stuff consistent, like putting all the tracks, trees, buildings, roads, on the static route layer, then this stuff never goes away. The only things that are done in the session are the dynamic items such as consists, portal configurations, scripts, and driver setups.

Again like Graeme, I too have many 1000s of km of route built or merged (Mergers and Acquisitions as I call them) with some sections in this particular route shown here dating back to the original route I started in December 2003.

The route: (A portion anyway)

Nothing missing here except what not's done yet...

( JCitron ) You sir , have too much free time to be running or building route that size :D:hehe: Man would love to give that a try. Thought I had a monster route :hehe:

Just my two cents .. When editing or adding to your your route . Save often , turn off auto save . Or take it to 30 min or longer . I've gotten to save after any changes I make , doesn't eliminate this . But greatly reduces it . All so , although I've been told it has no effect , update all your content you use if possible .

Merry Christmas

( JCitron ) You sir , have too much free time to be running or building route that size :D:hehe: Man would love to give that a try. Thought I had a monster route :hehe:

Just my two cents .. When editing or adding to your your route . Save often , turn off auto save . Or take it to 30 min or longer . I've gotten to save after any changes I make , doesn't eliminate this . But greatly reduces it . All so , although I've been told it has no effect , update all your content you use if possible .

Merry Christmas


Yup way too much time on my hands. :)

There's a lot of mergers here though for some of the bigger parts, though I did do a fair bit of building myself. I agree with you. Turn off the autosave and save early and often manually. I also version save too. My big route, shown here, is at version 5.5 ---- 12-18-2016 with 5.4 ---- 12-10-2016 still in my T:ANE install. I have previous saves all in CDPs and tucked away should I want to go back to something. The route started with six baseboards located in the lower left-middle where the blue patch is. The river-like-segment that continues east and then south is a bit of version 2.0 and something from George Fisher. There are many of his routes in here from all over the place. Version 1.0 started in December 2003 and I'll never forget the first six baseboards I put down.
So far I think I get it????? Edit in route.... Now I get the option to save either Default..did it once..or to my existing session. When I did that. All my builds were there???? We shall see tomorrow whether its all stuck. If so Stockholm here we come. Doing Gothenberg to Stockholm as a route. Quite a challenge. Doing some off maps and some off the top of my head. Thought of this Trans dem stuff but too hard for my head to get around, Keep calm and carry on. Thanks.
Thanks, seems everything has stuck. Amazing that, that little gremlin made itself apparent after a long time of doing things the way I have always done it. now I should be able to fix my TS12 route and My uploaded to T:ANE TS 12 route which has all the above mentioned problems. Once more into the breech dear friends.......
Thanks, seems everything has stuck. Amazing that, that little gremlin made itself apparent after a long time of doing things the way I have always done it. now I should be able to fix my TS12 route and My uploaded to T:ANE TS 12 route which has all the above mentioned problems. Once more into the breech dear friends.......

Congratulations on solving your problem!

I'm glad you got things sorted out.
Dont want to burst the bubble, but mt TS12 route and my uploaded to T:ANE route still suffers from the problem. Even after changing methods. Do believe its a TS12 problem. But not to worry T:ANE seems to be ok, so press on.
The non placing of track happened recently to me in the last couple days. It is the first time this has happened in any of my Trainz programs. I installed I-Highway road and then halfway through it did not appear on the Surveyor mode, nor the Driver mode. I adjusted my Video program for the I5 Core/NVIDIA Genforce on the Aspire E17 laptop and it seemed to 'fix' the problem. But it was 'scary' not to be able to work on the program.
I can't help but wonder if this is a re-emergence of the "undo" bug that was a known problem back in (I think) TS2006 days. I have been noticing it happening recently while doing a lot of spline work in a large layout, especially if I did a number of Ctrl-Z (undo) commands. Since making the mental connection I've been carefully avoiding undos (not easy when the automatic reaction to having a spline accidentally connect to another is to press Ctrl-Z). So far I haven't seen it recur, but of course that could change...

I will try and avoid un-do as well from now. Its strange though it becomes apparent that as a route gets bigger, quirks appear. That has to be a coding problem somewhere and overwriting glitch. Maybe not hard to fix but one needs access to the code, to eliminate it.
Due to the ancient Undo-bug, I have gotten in the habit of not using the undo-function unless I really, really have to. I never did see that during the earlier beta testing, but that doesn't mean it hasn't returned. Sometimes when fixing something in software older bugs rear their ugly selves again from the inside of the software.
Well my little gremlin has reared its head again, on a good set of track tried adding some spurs. all well an good i thought. Go back later all have vanished. Have tried removing content around the area, different track. etc. all with the same outcome. Vanished. Maybe its a baseboard issue, as further along all is fine. Got me bamboozled.