T O T R Hurstville AMRA October long weekend


To all --- Auran will have a small stand at AMRA Hurstville next weekend
Alan Yeomans will be down from Brisbane . Please call past and make yourself known.
Some staff slots are available --- WITH PRIOR arrangement --Please Call me on Mob or e- me -- so we can discuss what is needed. I will have "Son of Gruntmeister" there . Other gear by prior arrangement.
:D TC 1&2 will be on display
2006 will be on sale at a good price
I think there will be some raildrivers for sale


PLEASE NOTE ::: IF you wish to join Alan (Ale Beer) and others for a meal on the Saturday night there is a proposal for
either-- BBQ at Chez Redfun (younger set friendly)
---or a Pub Meal (Adults Only) :: The meal has been a tradition -- keep it up-- memories of Greystanes Pub a few years ago
AT This Stage I am open to other suggestions-- Please describe what you are proposing and if you are willing to help with organization etc. Please write here if you wish to favour a proposal so the decision will fit with the wishes of the local Trainzers.

if there are Out of Towners -- I have a few spaces available at Chez Redfun so a doss is poss. I will be driving back and forward to Hurstville so transport is arranged by prior arrangement

ALL Notifications will be via THIS PAGE -- I will update as I have information and Variations will be flagged.

Mob: 0410512407 ______________________________________________________________
watch this space...((mind intentionally left blank- blank look added as well))
Pub meal ??

Chez Redfun ?? 1 parent and 2 children like this proposal (Host --thats me folks - will need a concensus on what is to be offered up to the flames-- ie steak or sausages)

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Hi Waz

Me kids and possibly Diesel Don are all for Chez Redfern.

We can bring Sausages if you like.


May see you there...

Been a while since I have been to Hurstville Exhibiton.
Good way to celebrate the start of the holidays:D

one vaporizer
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Has been a stuff up with transfering the title of the "postage stamp" in down town sunny Queanbeyan, it seems that the new owners finance was not as settled as they were thinking so will not be joining you for the weekend.

One amazing fact that came to light in the title search was that the house as per local rumor was in deed once the home of now famous F1 driver Mark Webber - should have upped the price

All the best
Ill be there and ill say hi cause im very friendly and have always liked watching the better trainz people make their routes. I Sat there for 1 hour last year lol.
Wazzer may remember my first encounter with UTC:p...
Spent most of the day watching and playing...and watching...and playing:D

@ Wazzer, Also wondering whether you would require/want help "presenting" TRS.
I am more then happy to help on the Saturday I'm there, whether it be getting food products or making a fool of myself (My specialty;))

Chrysler N platform specifications
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I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, and anyone else who is planning on going on Sunday.

Noted (Late on Fri afternoon)

I have been away from machine

Thanks warren -- will see you fri afternoon and on Sunday -- a great help
Greets Flathog and father -- Thomas :look forward to seeing you if you get there Sat - Yes a demo spot will be quite possible -- ask your way past the front counter politely and we should be able to fit you in.
Big Hi to 0099 -- look forward to making your aquaintence if you are there at the show

Remember -- BBQ on Sat evening at Redfern -- short walk to Station -- please contact me as above to arrange info about locality-- bring your chosen portion of animal or vegetable for immolation and or augury and apeasement as your chosen diety decrees

Warwick Howse
Hoping to bring my Grandson Brandon ( big b the real one ) up Saturday sometime to see the trains.It's still all up in the air at the moment so we'll se what happens. Will keep an eye out for the stand if i make it.

Looking very much forward to this event.

Will probably arrive between 9-11 take an hour or so to do some browsing then wander over to the TOTR stand to say, "Hi"

I have also conveniently hidden my money as I know how money hungry model exhibitions can be:hehe:

Will also bring along "Trainz" shirt

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Ok ive gotton back from it since i can't stand for long periods of time.

Wazzer. Where you one of the people behind the stands?
Flathog. Shame i diddn't see you or i did but we diddn't notice each other. There was to many "15 year old kids" there :P

Both. where any of you whereing a white trainz T-Shirt with writing like this:


PS. Writing just an example not actual words except for trainz.
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Having checked out the exhibition today, I must say I was a little disappointed with the Trainz piece. Don't get me wrong, the guys were great, seemed knowledgable and were friendly with the public. What I found disappointing were the two machines displaying the software were extremely stuttery indeed. I've seen the guys at Hurstville (Penshurst actually) previously, and Liverpool before that in years gone by, and I've always seen Trainz/TRS roll smoothly like a movie when showed to the public. So, my basis is a comparison to what I've seen in the past at Sydney's premier exhibition.

It's a good thing the MSTS mob weren't there again this year with all of their add on packs. They may have showed up TRS a little.

All in all. Great exhibition though. Some wonderful layouts on view. For those who went, I couldn't stay away from a small 0n30 gauge layout called Boggy Creek. It was the most amazing piece of reinforest recreation, and one of the most incredible displays I've seen displayed at an exhibition.
Yea Boggy Creek was good but Stringybark Creek was by far the best! That was the best one ever. Mind you i spent most of my time at illabo cause i had a friend running there.
0099, the shirt said:


West Auztralia
South Auztralia
New Zouth Walez

And that was me wearing it:p

My favourite was Mossvale, a bit biased seen the maker is a friend of mine but still:D

Unfortunately Eric's computer had a slight crash so he was restricted to his laptop and Wazzer's installation of TRS2006 was not the best, usually "The Beast" works excellently???


roor bong pictures
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Amra weekend - over for another year

To all -- thanks for droping by

@ Big B (Brandon -- and his Mum and Granddad) Hi
@ Forrest Runner-- I agree completely -- The machines - (mine in particular was behaving like a wet chook) left something to be desired-- I know Eric had a power failure on Friday - so his machine was a lash-up) - on my machine -Sounds were muffled- Surveyor was a nightmare and Driver was stutterey- appart from that - it went well - The throttle benders on the Raildriver had a great time ( the younger set usually)
@ Flathog and father -- thanks for comming down from the Golden west-- great to see you ( tee shirt looked good)
Lots of contact from users and new users - we sold 8 Raildrivers and a number of 06 and Trainz Classic-- Trainz Routes 1&2 also
I have some Show specials 06 or TC so see me before I pack for Wagga

Invitation to All for next year -- keep in mind volunteering some of your time to demonstrate and sell at a TOTR show. I can assure you that this product literally sells itself- I concur with the comments above but I can also tell you that long time users of Train Simulators are still pleased with what can be done with 06-- Also some of the users of 04 reported that they were still happy doing what they can do.

Thanks to the Amra volunteers (especially the Cookhouse staff- (their name "Petticoat Junction)) for a well run show.

Look for a posting on Local Trainzer and a South Coast Trainzer Proposal
a very tired Wazzer
How much is that raildriver thing. Caue my dad said e would like to get one but they don't like buying off the internet so he wan'ts to know how much money to bring for the next exibition with a trainz stand.
No problem Wazzer,

From memory the Raildrivers are $250???

I can also agree with the fact that the game sells itself:p
I thought on arrival I would instantly be convincing people about why they should get the game. The only thing people really wanted to know is whether they should get TC 1&2 or TRS2006:hehe:

May I also give a special thanks to Wazzer and Eric for going beyond the call of duty and cleaning up the mess left behind by a very excited boy. (vomit)

marijuana vaporizer
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To all -- thanks for droping by

@ Big B (Brandon -- and his Mum and Granddad) Hi
@ Forrest Runner-- I agree completely -- The machines - (mine in particular was behaving like a wet chook) left something to be desired-- I know Eric had a power failure on Friday - so his machine was a lash-up) - on my machine -Sounds were muffled- Surveyor was a nightmare and Driver was stutterey- appart from that - it went well - The throttle benders on the Raildriver had a great time ( the younger set usually)
@ Flathog and father -- thanks for comming down from the Golden west-- great to see you ( tee shirt looked good)
Lots of contact from users and new users - we sold 8 Raildrivers and a number of 06 and Trainz Classic-- Trainz Routes 1&2 also
I have some Show specials 06 or TC so see me before I pack for Wagga

Invitation to All for next year -- keep in mind volunteering some of your time to demonstrate and sell at a TOTR show. I can assure you that this product literally sells itself- I concur with the comments above but I can also tell you that long time users of Train Simulators are still pleased with what can be done with 06-- Also some of the users of 04 reported that they were still happy doing what they can do.

Thanks to the Amra volunteers (especially the Cookhouse staff- (their name "Petticoat Junction)) for a well run show.

Look for a posting on Local Trainzer and a South Coast Trainzer Proposal
a very tired Wazzer

Well worth the trip & had a great day out.

Brandon ( my grandson ) is still talking about it.Now he want's a train set for Christmas a really big one.

He said that if your computer keeps loading up you should form it then the trains tooters ( side rods ) will go faster , so he will be able to drive it next time properly.

My favourite was easily the Lego trains. ;)

Great weekend and excellent show.

The Raildrivers go for $200- at the shows, and $250 from the shop. We sold out of these on Monday.

Flathog's knowledge and enthusiasm on Saturday helped hugely with the busy crowds. NR_121 joined us on Sunday and Monday and was invaluable.

Special thanks to Wazzer for his hospitality and exhausting work over the weekend. :) He is 'King of the Kids' :)

Eric also did a great job, the laptop he had really suited some surveyor demonstrations I did on Monday.:p

Thanks guys, great weekend.

What I found disappointing were the two machines displaying the software were extremely stuttery indeed.
So it wasn't just me then!

Forest_Runner said:
I've seen the guys at Hurstville (Penshurst actually)
So I've noticed - wondering why it took the bus a bit longer to get there! So I wonder why it's not the Penhurst Aquatic Centre (or maybe Penhurst Swimming Pool Centre!)

Forest_Runner said:
It's a good thing the MSTS mob weren't there again this year with all of their add on packs.
I have to disagree with their FR

Although this is the first time I went to this model show, I noticed compared to other model shows that the prices were dearer (in some cases a lot more) than other model shows. For example, the same retailer was advertising an item at another show at $80, went back a few hours later, only to find it another sticker showing $135, yet at last weekend's show, the same item was up to $145, & the sticker made it look like it was a show special. Another item I found at the previous show was only $90, & the retail claimed it was brand new, yet found it was second hand. The same item by the same retailer at this show was up to $100. This I found a number of times.

Brandon ( my grandson ) is still talking about it.Now he want's a train set for Christmas a really big one.
Actually their was one big one for sale there.

From what I could see, their was no tram-based layouts. Speaking about trams, anyone know what has happened to those two excellent tram layouts, one was O-gauge representing Newcastle, AU, & the other was a larger HO tram layout representing the Circular Quay/Harbour Bridge area of Sydney? I haven't seen those at model trains for a few years now.

PS: I saw the red rattler sets that are in production, curious about it, so I asked. Very expensive at $A550 (incl. GST, about $US447/£UK219 without AU GST) for a four car (1 power, & three unpowered cars, one being a dummy power) that has no internal seating or lighting - if it had seating & internal lighting, it would be a reasonable price.
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