To all --- Auran will have a small stand at AMRA Hurstville next weekend
Alan Yeomans will be down from Brisbane . Please call past and make yourself known.
Some staff slots are available --- WITH PRIOR arrangement --Please Call me on Mob or e- me -- so we can discuss what is needed. I will have "Son of Gruntmeister" there . Other gear by prior arrangement.
TC 1&2 will be on display
2006 will be on sale at a good price
I think there will be some raildrivers for sale
PLEASE NOTE ::: IF you wish to join Alan (Ale Beer) and others for a meal on the Saturday night there is a proposal for
either-- BBQ at Chez Redfun (younger set friendly)
---or a Pub Meal (Adults Only) :: The meal has been a tradition -- keep it up-- memories of Greystanes Pub a few years ago
AT This Stage I am open to other suggestions-- Please describe what you are proposing and if you are willing to help with organization etc. Please write here if you wish to favour a proposal so the decision will fit with the wishes of the local Trainzers.
if there are Out of Towners -- I have a few spaces available at Chez Redfun so a doss is poss. I will be driving back and forward to Hurstville so transport is arranged by prior arrangement
ALL Notifications will be via THIS PAGE -- I will update as I have information and Variations will be flagged.
Mob: 0410512407 ______________________________________________________________
watch this space...((mind intentionally left blank- blank look added as well))
Pub meal ??
Chez Redfun ?? 1 parent and 2 children like this proposal (Host --thats me folks - will need a concensus on what is to be offered up to the flames-- ie steak or sausages)
Alan Yeomans will be down from Brisbane . Please call past and make yourself known.
Some staff slots are available --- WITH PRIOR arrangement --Please Call me on Mob or e- me -- so we can discuss what is needed. I will have "Son of Gruntmeister" there . Other gear by prior arrangement.

2006 will be on sale at a good price
I think there will be some raildrivers for sale
PLEASE NOTE ::: IF you wish to join Alan (Ale Beer) and others for a meal on the Saturday night there is a proposal for
either-- BBQ at Chez Redfun (younger set friendly)
---or a Pub Meal (Adults Only) :: The meal has been a tradition -- keep it up-- memories of Greystanes Pub a few years ago
AT This Stage I am open to other suggestions-- Please describe what you are proposing and if you are willing to help with organization etc. Please write here if you wish to favour a proposal so the decision will fit with the wishes of the local Trainzers.
if there are Out of Towners -- I have a few spaces available at Chez Redfun so a doss is poss. I will be driving back and forward to Hurstville so transport is arranged by prior arrangement
ALL Notifications will be via THIS PAGE -- I will update as I have information and Variations will be flagged.
Mob: 0410512407 ______________________________________________________________
watch this space...((mind intentionally left blank- blank look added as well))
Pub meal ??
Chez Redfun ?? 1 parent and 2 children like this proposal (Host --thats me folks - will need a concensus on what is to be offered up to the flames-- ie steak or sausages)
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