T:ANE MP that actually works and is being worked on.


Creating European Routes
One person, called Pittras, started to create updated versions of MP Sessions in T:ANE Kickstarter back in 2016. It worked better than the built-in MP, because he put effort into it. Later, person called Lockheed02 started to produce these with him. Today, 19. january 2017, a group of 3 people works on it. Pittras and Lockheed: builders and testers. RichardBosnak (me): online tester with random players.
A lot of people start the MP, see it doesn´t work and leave. We do the opposite. We repair them and test them and when product finished, it is uploaded (and then tested by me).
Today, we have a lot of versions up already. They work 1% of the time ,because N3V isn´t patient ebough for people to give feedback in beta.
Version 1.4.9 is our best version so far. 9 players + admin can have fun in this one and others spectating. We have working coal mine, power plant, refinery and all other industries are working and will be working. All assets are built-in and from DLS only.
All sessions are located under Kickstarter County.

Unofficial version 1.4.7. Official newest version 1.4.9
1.5.1 (beta 2, not properly working IT - being repaired as soon as we understand IT more :D )
Running online sessions: Extremely rare due to current de-sync problems
Its easy. Go to content manager, type to finder "Coal Mine Basic" and search for asset with kuid:-25:1091 , download and done. You now have your working coal mine.
Glitches and bugs (other than de-synced trains) - Pittras, Lockheed02
Online testing - RichardBosnak (if you want to join)
or comment this thread.
Version of 1.4.9 has been released.
Have a nice day and hope to see you soon :)

Because of current network de-sync, players joining a multiplayer game are unable to see current position of trains of other players in the session. Viewing (left-clicking) the train will sync them and they will appear in the correct position, but only while viewing them.
Host of the session has no de-sync problems so we highly advise you (the host) to work as dispatch for other players.
Signals also have no problem. What I mean is that ALWAYS follow them, as they know the real position of the trains and will give you red light if track is not clear ahead of you.
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To the three of you, a big thank you for your time. I'd like to host your session tonight and tomorrow. I'll send you some feedback on how it went.

EDIT- I've removed my time table. I'm afraid I had a poor turnout, so I don't have any feedback to give you on whether people did or did not enjoy your session.
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Sad to hear that, but we know that people who joined even without knowing about this post joined again and enjoyed it.
We still thank you though for taking your time and we hope we will see you one day :)

Keep safe and have a nice day! :)
Did you try that?

Its easy. Go to content manager, type to finder "Coal Mine Basic" and search for asset with kuid:-25:1091 , download and done. You now have your working coal mine.
PS: I hope that asset becomes part of SP2
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I was able to run three Kickstarter multiplayer sessions successfully Sunday. The first one was your version 1.4.6. Had two others join and worked well until the servers cut me off. Missed the ability to spawn very much as when we lost cars to derails we couldn't make more.

Second two standard sessions were ok running wise with a total of four other drivers joining at different times. Industries were weird and didn't seem to work right. Fuel depot would not load.

The standard sessions had the automatic red flag on the tail car but I didn't care for that at all . Caused problems with run arounds and yard work.

Keep up the great work!
The standard session is the reason we made our own version. Glad you liked it as far as you could. Pay attention to have the updated coal mine.
We'll see what comes with SP2
Great. Held a session this pm also, again had two others join. No problems in two and a half hours. Would really be great if you could add more railcars untill you get to the spawning if it isn't in the next ver.
Love your work, makes it sooo much more usable in multiplayer, not having industries quickly die, et al.

Though I'd love it if you'd pre-sort the yard with the roundhouse. We're always spending the first 30 minutes straightening it out to be usable :)
First of all - thanks for playing :)
Well ... Coal Mine (1) and Fogarty's End (2) are quite ready to be used. And ... some people like shunting work while the others enjoy their coffee/beer and watch when first the diesel train (3) gets ready, then the flat cars are put together. When the palletized goods cars added in front of the flat cars usually the (4) driver has boarded and gets ready to take that train off to Rosario ... Finally the hoppers get connected to the empty box cars. Aaand already the (5) driver could take off to paper mill (I usually set the commodity picker to avoid having the box cars loaded with wood chips). After that I usually prepare the passenger trains. How about having 2 shunters in yard to accelerate work? But we might have a prepared passenger or mail train next time. I'll think of it. And perhaps SP2 brings also some surprises :)
Ran a session yesterday and everything worked great. Did have a problem with the SF locomotives at Oynoix ( sp ) when an AI passenger train tried to get to the station. Seems like an unlikely place to park two locomotives.
True, it's not an ideal parking lot but we focus on having this session run mostly manual. I agree, having something running automated within a multiplayer adds some extra spice (that's why I usually set one train - sometimes two - running in the loop).
You will have similar problems when using AI to YVRR Merced station area (behind Jackson refinery. Something is fishy with the junction area at Jackson. We had several test versions but AI always got stuck. We even tried to replace tracks in that area but that has very ugly side effects - and didn't help AI.
Let's see what SP2 brings...
yeah - would be one solution. We actually were trying something ... crazy there so ... there might be some changes in future versions in this area. But we were of kind of stuck at the moment - we'll pick up after SP2 deployment
Best regards and keep your ideas coming =)

Had it running for 5 hours yesterday. Worked quite well, so big thumbs up :) At the end the lumberyard refused to produce lumber anymore, so i did shut down, had hoped to just keep it running over night so i can continue today :P
Nope i had one full coal train unloading wagon by wagon and another full one waiting in the yard cause the power plant was so full it would not even take the coal anymore. I also had this log train still sitting at the unload filling up the logs as they emptied the first 3 time i collected lumber. It sat there from when you were in the session. 4th time picking up lumber emptied the lumberyrad but it didnt replenish, the little log mover didnt move also.

PS: Since you asked about AI troubles ingame: I also noticed the AI doesnt like to take the outmost platform for transit down to the yard unless you explicitly specify it. If you do not it just waits for the inner track to clear forever :P

PPS: Would it be ok to edit some consists and reupload? So its not needed to shunt everything together again every time. Thats atleast a work around to not beeing able to save in MP and its only a small download of a few 100kb if i see it correctly.