T:ANE - Just Asking - Sorry, and thank you !


New member
Sorry for asking, but THEY refuse to tell me anything about T:ANE. I've written to Trainz, many times, over the past couple of months, but still, THEY just refuse to tell me anything at all about T:ANE, apart from eventually telling me THEY were going to arrange a DVD, or DVDs of T:ANE, as I'd originally Pre-ordered a copy of it, in advance, as a Digital Download, but changed my mind, and decided to change the order to a DVD copy, instead, as it would be easier than trying to send a screenshot of a problem I had, creating, and sending one in response to a request for a screenshot of a result of a WinZIP screen showing what it said to me, when I tried to extract a copy of T:ANE - it was that one called "Community Edition", and needed a password, which I hadn't a clue of what it was !

I've, strangely enough, NEVER BEFORE made a single screenshot, of anything before, and was going through a lot of difficulty, trying to follow instructions from a staff member at Auran. You see, I'm in the early stages of a brain problem, that's going to only get worse, over time, and affects my memory, but I really want a copy of T:ANE, before things get worse with me, and learn how to enjoy it properly, as there's still a lot I can do as normally as possible, but there are a few things that difficult for me. I don't really think it's necessary to go into detail with these things.

What I want to ask, if people who are keen on Trainz, and T:ANE have a bit of information about T:ANE, such as when it will become available, and become distributed to Pre-Payers, such as myself. All I know, is that it was delayed, before coming out. So when is it going to released ? This is a genuine question, as I don't know the answer myself. Can someone please tell me what I need to know, please ?


Jim MsDermott
The release date is the 15th May from what I've gathered. As for your password issue, I've downloaded the Community Edition myself and haven't had to enter any password to extract the file.

... and haven't had to enter any password to extract the file.


You do need to provide your normal Trainz userid and logon within the Launcher (Internet section) so additional content can be downloaded. I believe it only works if you press the enter key after entering your details.

The 15th May was the last date I saw. Presumably, digital downloads will be available from that date and boxed sets will follow.