T:ANE and Windows 10


New member
I just pick up T:ANE for my kids but after loading the program on to my Computer which is running windows 10 I keep on getting a "unable to start database repair". I have all update drives on my system. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the program three time and I still get the same error message. Is it Windows 10 or something else? I am looking for help before I go out and get a new computer.

Thanks for anyone help on this.
Hi Shawn,

Welcome to the forums!

What are the specs of your PC, like graphics card, processor, hard drives, etc.?

Is this a laptop or desktop?

These answers can help resolve your problem.

Since many of us are running T:ANE in Windows 10, I can't say that's the problem.

HI John,

I am trying to run it on a desktop. Here is the following information on my computer.

Model: Aspine x3400
Processor: AMD Athlon 2 3.10GHz
Ram: 4GB
Display: NVIDIA Geforce 9200

Hope this help.

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Hi Shawn,

The system is really at the lowest end of specs and barely meets the minimum requirements for the memory (RAM), however the video card is not on the recommended minimum list. I highly recommend adding more memory (RAM) to the system and upgrading the video card.

Here's a forum post you may find interesting.


If you want to upgrade your video card, post questions and recommendations will be made.

I had an NVIDIA Geforce 9800 & it would not run Tane as it is not DirectX 11 compatible, this could be your problem.
I have now upgraded my card to an AMD Radion R9 200 series & have no problems.