Switch/Junction Radius


Get over it
Thought I'd ask here before I get involved in this. What is the function of the radius in regards to the switch/junction? In the game it's set at 20.00. On some of my routes the switches will change direction before the last car passes it and will cause a derailment. I think it has something to do with where the switch is placed. If I change the radius from 20.00 to say 5.00 will that cause the switch to wait longer before changing directions? Thanks.
The case of the switch being thrown under a train may relate to the length of the train, but in my experience may also relate to database errors. Try an extended database rebuild, then try the same session and see if that fixes it.

I remember an issue a few years ago I had, before the invention of Interlocking Towers, I think I was using a switch link asset of some kind to keep a little sanity to my crossovers (if a train switched a crossover on its own track, it would attempt to pull the switch on the other track over too, because I was having problems with AI flipping the switch immediately in front of them to take the crossover but not the switch on the opposite track so that they could get a signal. While this did work in theory, I do remember having a problem at the time that the switch link would reset the switch early and cause derailments. I've not yet experienced an issue like this with a properly setup IT.