Surveyor menu map colours


Sphenodon Punctatus
In the Surveyor menu of layouts and sessions a small scrollable map appears to the left of the list which shows the currently highlighted layout. On this map track appears as a dark blue. Is there any way to change this colour to say an orange or a yellow?

I have a very large layout which involved some map merging a while ago. I no longer use this technique because it is so fraught with stupid bugs and problems that it is actually easier and safer to add to a layout manually board by board. :(

However one of the issues I was left with was track suspended in areas where there is no board. In the old forum I learned that the only way to delete this truculent track was to add a baseboard beneath it and then select the delete track option. Once the track is deleted in this way it doesn't come back at the next loading and the superfluous baseboards can also be deleted.

Finding little bits of track can be very difficult and the best method I have found is to scroll through the map looking for it. But what I am looking for is a dark blue line, usually very small or short, suspended over a pitch black screen. The contrast is terrible and it is very easy to miss track this way. If the track was represented by orange or yellow it would be much easier to see it against the black background.

Phew! Sorry for such an involved explanation! :confused:

Anyway any help here would be much appreciated.


Change (or add) the 'rgb' tag in the track's config file. This should change the colour on the minimap.

The rgb tag reads like this:

rgb 255,200,0

I tried it without the tag but it made no difference.


Hmmm.. It seems not to work any more. I changed a track to 255,247,15 (a bright yellow) but it was still blue on the map.

I'm out of ideas I'm afraid.
