strange message


New member
have another question.....first........I know some of you are concerned about 60 years old and not a game pirate.......the other day i got a weird message when starting said "some of your content is not committed...would you still like to load trainz"......i clicked yes and game started to freeze up and stick...also took forever to load....i had to uninstall and start over........i never downloaded any content from station but does it sound like corrupted files? also...if I buy latest version of Trainz and upgrade to Windows 10 will game be compatable?
This usually means that the files were left open for some reason during a prior edit. When you started up again, the program needed to commit them, meaning put them back into the game so you can use them. If your computer is freezing while you are committing the assets, which can take time while the process takes place, then a database repair maybe needed.

Start up your Content Manager and choose Quick Database Repair from the File Menu. This process can take some time so it's best to let it do this while you go off and do something else. When I was running TS12 and needed to perform a database repair, I'd do this at night so the process would be completed when I got up the next day.

Trainz and Windows 10 run fine together. In fact even TS12 runs quite well with Windows 10.

What are your computer specs? This will help us determine if you need a new video card or not in, or worse, a beefier computer in order to run Windows 10 and T:ANE, which is the latest version of Trainz.

Regarding the registration thing... Go through the helpdesk using the button on the top of the forums if you haven't already. Zec Murphy should be able to help you with that.

well it did it again....when adding trees to my world i got a white screen and not responding message...i had to close program to get out.....GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR..... i have a 4 year old Acer with tera bite hard drive......only dual core processor though...should have plenty of ram.....but im not too puter literate...(obviously) playing 2006 version of game i want to get new version but dont want this kind of problems...pain in the getting mad now.......:(
well it did it again....when adding trees to my world i got a white screen and not responding message...i had to close program to get out.....GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR..... i have a 4 year old Acer with tera bite hard drive......only dual core processor though...should have plenty of ram.....but im not too puter literate...(obviously) playing 2006 version of game i want to get new version but dont want this kind of problems...pain in the getting mad now.......:(

It sounds like your database needs to be rebuilt.

Since you are running TRS2006, the process is easier than I outlined above.

1) Close down Trainz.

2) Open the folder where TRS2006 is installed to. You can tell by right-clicking on the shortcut, choosing properties, then looking at the Start in: path or the Target: path space - it's usually in C:\Program Files\Auran Games\TRS2006 or something similar.

3) Once you've got the path, look for assets.tdx file. Delete that file.

4) Close everything, reboot, and now start TRS2006 CM-Plus.

The database will rebuild and you should be able to run TRS2006 afterwards.

A bit of a warning here. It's been awhile since I've run '06 so I may have the steps mixed up, but at this point it doesn't work right anyway...

Sorry I'm not sure about your computer. if you can give us the exact model number, we might be able to tell what the innards are.

well you have me totally confused...anyway it seems to be working ok now that i reinstalled.....took my bigboy around and no problems...turntable even works.....:)......In the newest version how many steam engines are there?...I gotta have lots of steam.....any Reading T-1 locos? any Baldwins? and can i load my own pic for profile????? i know i ask too many dumb questions......
well you have me totally confused...anyway it seems to be working ok now that i reinstalled.....took my bigboy around and no problems...turntable even works.....:)......In the newest version how many steam engines are there?...I gotta have lots of steam.....any Reading T-1 locos? any Baldwins? and can i load my own pic for profile????? i know i ask too many dumb questions......

There are a handful of steam locos for T:ANE, and many, many still can be downloaded from the DLS and installed plus you can import most of your content you have now so don't worry about that. I don't know if there's a T-1 up there, but there maybe one in the works by one of the payware people. :)

Sorry for confusing you, that's possible with tech stuff. Reinstalling effectively did the same thing, but in a brute force method. Like taking out a shotgun to kill flies. :D

You can't replace the profile picture with one of your own; you only have the ones supplied, which is a lot more than we had in the very beginning of Trainz.

My aunt and uncle live in Blandon; not to far from where you come from. My cousin brought me over to a junction somewhere and we watched some iron ore trains along with some good-sized freights go by. They were still Conrail then, long before Norfolk Southern took over the line.

Are you running TRS2006 ... If so hundreds of thousands of assets, and all of their dependencies, that are a higher trainz-build numeral, and will not show up in TRS2006 without first meticulously manually backdating each config file, trainz-build numeral, to be equal to, or lesser than your present TRS2006 trainz-build ... then by deleting the assets.bku folder (in Cache), as well as the assets.tdx folder (in the TRS2006 folder) ... Restart the CM, then let the TAD rebuild for @ 20 min ... and don't use your PC while it is rebuilding

To find your trainz-build, create a "new route" and examine the trainz-build numeral in the CM
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For the Reading T-1, there is a free 2102 on the download station. If you are looking for high quality stuff, K&L Trainz has recently released a T-1. You have to pay, but it's well worth it. It has the freight version, Reading Rambles with Reading passenger cars, AFT 2101 / Chessie 2101, both with a passenger consist, and Blue Mountain and Reading 2102 with BM&R passenger cars. Here's the link:

They also have more Baldwins, like SLSF 1522. :)
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]thanks all for your help...but Cascader...i have no idea what you are talkin am not puter literate........i just love trainz.....hhhhmmmmm why wont my pic come up.....
You have to host your screenshots via a photo hosting site ... they can not be linked directly to you PC

Contact me via free Skype if you are running TRS2006

Skype UN: cascaderailroad
[/URL]here is an old double exposure of me leaning on 2102's drivers at a rail fan weekend at the heavy repair shops in Reading.......she was getting her boiler retubed ...I forgot to advance the film on my 1950's vintage argus 35 mm camera.......
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Argus 35mm camera ... Hmmm I have three 35mm camera bodies, and 4 len's ... one is a 90-230mm telephoto zoom ... I wish I could hook them up to a digital camera
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