Station Command


Hello everyone. This question may have been asked before. Does anyone know if there is a simple command available that tells AI drivers to take whichever platform is free at a station? On my route, the AI will spawn at a portal and drive to a terminus station. Because the trains will spawn at random, I want to give them a simple "take next available platform" command, rather than tell them to drive to specific platform numbers, which could cause trouble over time.

Can you help?
Best wishes,
Hello everyone. This question may have been asked before. Does anyone know if there is a simple command available that tells AI drivers to take whichever platform is free at a station? On my route, the AI will spawn at a portal and drive to a terminus station. Because the trains will spawn at random, I want to give them a simple "take next available platform" command, rather than tell them to drive to specific platform numbers, which could cause trouble over time.

Can you help?
Best wishes,

Yes. Get pguy's

I'll post specifics shortly.... Gotta feed a hungry kid.

Pguys "DriveToTrackmarkList" would be used with "Trackmark A"
you can have it go in numerical order or randomize, have the driver "Drive To Trackmark A" when he gets there use the driver command "DriveToTrackmarkList", the driver will take the first availible trackmark in that list, the Trackmarks should be named the same with different numbers like so... "Trackmark (01), Trackmark (02)" ect....when the driver gets to whatever trackmark, the "ScheduleAtTrackmark" would insert the command to go to the station, so if his first Avail trackmark was 3, "Trackmark (03)" would insert into the driver command line "Drive To Station Platform 3" . I use this system allot, if you have problems, pm me. I've become very good at making AI work for me.
Thanks for your help, I very much appreciate it.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find pguy's stuff at the DLS, but your post was clear and concise and I fully understand what I need to do. I just need the tools to do it....

Best wishes,
Current DLS version of DriveToTrackMarkList and AutoDriveToTrackMarkList are flagged as TRS2006 only, though the script code does work under TRS2004 ... If you search only for TRS2004 compatible driver commands, the DLS will not give results ...

I have made new versions :
DriveToTrackMarkList - <kuid2:61392:1050:3>
AutoDriveToTrackMarkList - <kuid2:61392:1064:2>
now flagged as TRS2004. They are under DLS upload process and should be available soon.
You can already download the cdp from my web site at
documentation is available on the web site only in english.

Good luck with the commands.
Very many thanks to both of you, pguy and Accipiter. I now have the KUIDs and will try them on my route.

Once again, many thanks.
Best wishes,
Thanks to pguy for modifying these outstanding commands to work in version 2004. I have tried them and they work great.