Stalling in curves


I downloaded a locomotive from the download station (GE U18) and I'm having trouble with it stalling in curves. Even though a few of the curves on my layout are fairly sharp, I've never had this problem before with any other equipment. Is there something in the loco's configuration that can be tweaked to allow it to negotiate sharper curves?
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If your curves are tool sharp, you will have to increase their radius, of use smaller switching loco's that can negotiate trolley car radius curves
If your curves are tool sharp, you will have to increase their radius, of use smaller switching loco's that can negotiate trolley car radius curves

It just seems to be a problem with this particular loco. I've run just about every other kind of loco over these particular curves and never had a problem. According to the info on the download page, it uses bogies from jointed rail, the same ones used on their RS-27 and I've had no problem at all with that loco. There must be some setting in the config files that can be tweaked to allow this loco to negotiate tighter turns.

It's to do with friction in the e-spec

  moving-friction-coefficient           0.0376
  air-drag-coefficient                  0.00112

the higher the value the more friction you have on curves.

Ok, tinkered around with the engine spec file and didn't have a luck so I copied the e-spec from a similar engine into this one and that solved the problem. Works like a charm now.
This problem has always been around. I use another loco to push the stalled one out.
Best fix is to modify the track to lessen the curve.