Speedtrees don't attach to attachment points


Crabby Old Geezer
Whenever I try to add a speedtree (sample: <kuid2:523:1028:4> Tree SugarMaple 02) to an attachment point, it doesn't work. The tree or trees always show up at the 0,0,0 point on my asset. Is there a workaround for this?
Is there no answer? Is there no advice? Is there a notation that needs to be in the config? What's wrong with Speedtrees? Why are they different than any other asset???
If I remember correctly, in TS2010/TS12 you can add SpeedTrees to an asset by recalling them in the mesh-table as additional meshes, adding a "mesh-asset" tag referencing to the ST mesh-library.

I and others used this method to make quickl tree rows, such as cypress or poplars. I don't know if such assets still work in TRS19, I'll give them a check.
Thanks for answering. jjeff1955 (Jon Jefferies) and I have been trying to figure this out all afternoon. We've had no luck. I want to add some speedtrees to a station I did.

Cheers, Dave
I failed to find the assets we made, but they were based on the SpeedTree groups by Auran, such as <kuid2:565830:100051:3> Tree Spindly Brown Group, which is built-in in TRS19.

Here is the mesh-table:

    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.5
    position                            0,0,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.3,0.5
    position                            20,0,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.6
    position                            10,5,0
    orientation                         0,0,1.3
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.45,0.65
    position                            10,-10,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.6
    position                            -10,-10,0
    orientation                         0,0,1
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.6
    position                            -10,5,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.6
    position                            -20,0,0
    orientation                         0,0,0.5

Now, if replace the mesh under the "1" entry with- a small house, for example - you will have a small house surrounded by a group of trees.

I never tried this techique in TRS19, so I am not 100% certain it works properly.
I found the asset I was looking for: the TS12 version had SpeedTrees as attachments of the main mesh: I replaced Pofig's trees with RMM's (available both i 3.7 and 4.2 versions) and this is how it looks in TS12:


It imported fine in TRS19 but all the trees were rendered at the point with X=0, Y=0, Z=0 coordinates, regardless of the position of the attachment points (the image below shows the inside of the house)


So I switched to the multiple mesh technique used in SpeedTree groups and it worked like a charm:


This is the mesh-table of the working version:

    mesh                                "casa alberi 2010.im"
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.5
    position                            -20,0,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.3,0.5
    position                            20,0,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.4,0.5
    position                            0,-20,0
    mesh-asset                          <kuid:523:19723348>
    mesh                                "BlackElderSpindly_RT_edit.srt"
    custom-render-plugin                <kuid:401543:1077>
    auto-create                         1
    mesh-scale                          0.3,0.5
    position                            0,20,0

I used built-in SpeedTrees to keep things simple, but I think it should work with any SpeedTree.

I hope this should definitely solve your issue, and I wish to thank you for the huge amount of assets you made for the community.
Okay, I got it to work but I have a problem. In the screenshot you can see at right the station with the trees (Pofig's) in the planters. But they are way too big! When I place them directly in surveyor (at left) they are the size I want. I don't know what to do.

Looking at your screenshot, can you just place the trees there normally with surveyor? Or are you trying to make something that is movable and copyable? Maybe a scrapbook?
Looking at your screenshot, can you just place the trees there normally with surveyor? Or are you trying to make something that is movable and copyable? Maybe a scrapbook?
I'm trying to have the trees in the station's planters using attachment points so that when a user uses the station, the trees will already be there. And I'll be damned if I resort to billboard trees.

As to Deane's question, the only answer I can come up with is that I'm using Pofig's trees and Pendolino used RMM's trees. Maybe I'll try RMM's trees.
The trees I used were from N3V, not RMM. And I didn't place a single tree near the building, so I failed to notice any strange behaviour.

I replaced N£V's tree with <kuid2:429786:1343:2> PgTree9_S1_7-392 by Pofig and I obtained just the same results: the "attached" trees are much larger than the same tree when it is placed as a standalone asset.
I also tried changing the mesh-scale value from "0.35,0,38" to "0.15,0.18" with no effect at all.


I replaced Pofig's tree with <kuid2:523:1497:2> Tree BlackElder 01 by N3V and, once more, the "attached" trees are much larger than the single tree used as a standalone asset.


I'm a bit puzzled: the "mesh-asset" tag does not seem to work in this case. I'm going to look at the Tree Groups to see if they also have this issue.
I cloned the "House with trees" and deleted the house IM file, then I placed the two versions side by side.

On the left, there is the asset with the house .IM file and giant SpeedTrees
On the right, the same identical asset but with no house .IM file and normal-sized SpeedTrees


If no IM mesh is present, the Speedtrees go back to their intended size. As a consequence, this method can be used to make tree groups but unfortunately it looks useless to make buildings with attached trees.
Well, you guys don't worry about it anymore. I finally got it to work with some of RMM's trees, but, alas, with the Speedtrees it won't function as a Station, i.e. Passengers do not show up. Jon Jeffries worked on it for a good while today and that was our conclusion. I did find some fairly nice Non-Speedtree trees by Clam1952 and that's what I'm going with. Thanks for ya'll's help.
