Speed restrictions in sessions

I was wondering if there is a way I can create a route and save it with all normal speeds and play the route and save sessions and edit sessions to edit temporary speed restrictions which can be added/removed at any time if I wish to do so? Anyway to do this?
You can try adding different speed limits to a new session, but ensure they are only saved to the session layer (I am not sure whether that can be achieved without impacting the Route layer).

When creating a new session I make sure that the route layer is locked. I learnt this the hard way after a couple of hours work it wanted to save the route, which was from the DLS, as well as the session.

You can add most things to a session layer including signals, speed restrictions, trackmarks, priority markers, scenery items etc so if it is your own route then place permanent speed restrictions on the route layer and add temporary ones to the session layer.



When creating a new session I make sure that the route layer is locked. I learnt this the hard way after a couple of hours work it wanted to save the route, which was from the DLS, as well as the session.

You can add most things to a session layer including signals, speed restrictions, trackmarks, priority markers, scenery items etc so if it is your own route then place permanent speed restrictions on the route layer and add temporary ones to the session layer.



Does this mean all of my trains will be reset to their original starting position? If so I was wondering if there is a way to have the trains exactly where they're in the saved session but just be able to add speed restrictions
Does this mean all of my trains will be reset to their original starting position? If so I was wondering if there is a way to have the trains exactly where they're in the saved session but just be able to add speed restrictions
No, you won't be able to do that, just simply place the train where you want it/them for the new session
Perhaps I have misunderstood the original question but it all seems to be getting very complicated. Why not just place invisible speed markers on the track at the beginning and end of the restriction as and when required and remove them when no longer needed.

If you want to achieve it in real time i.e. while a session is running, place track markers at either end of the restriction beforehand and include Drive Via or similar in your route. During the session you can add a maximum speed limit after each of the track markers but it will need to be done for each train passing the restriction. If you don't re-save the session at the end of running it the added maximum speeds will not be saved. Peter
Perhaps I have misunderstood the original question but it all seems to be getting very complicated. Why not just place invisible speed markers on the track at the beginning and end of the restriction as and when required and remove them when no longer needed.

However doing that wont work in all situations. FOr example, the line I am working on has a speed restriction on trains over a certain tonnage. Trains over 7000 tons are limited to 35 mph. Where as other trains can go 50mph in some areas.

I would suggest the rule "Set Maximum Speed." This will let you tell the AI driver to not go over a speed regardless of what the speed limit is. However, if you tell the driver to not go over 35, and the train is in a 25 area the driver will do 25. Once the train reaches the 50 area, the driver will only go up to 35.
I agree but there was no mention in the original question of different conditions for different trains, just the ability to temporarily impose and remove restrictions as and when. If you want to impose restrictions for individual trains it needs to be applied to both track and train. Peter
<kuid2:450022:90001:2> Set Max Speed To is built in to TANE. Speed is in MPH.

This is not a rule, it's a Driver Command and only needs to be applied to each train, not the track.

There is a Km/h version on the DLS.
I agree but there was no mention in the original question of different conditions for different trains, just the ability to temporarily impose and remove restrictions as and when. If you want to impose restrictions for individual trains it needs to be applied to both track and train. Peter

you are right. But using that command could save a lot of time of placing down speed boards or any thing like that. I'm also thinking the way I run sessions where things are open ended and the way things are run can change on the fly.