Speed Limits


New member
Is there anyone who can direct me to how speed limits work in surveyor.

I set speed limits but trains run at half the posted speed or the speed limit setting has no effect what ever
Check the signals, it sounds as though you are some short, hover the mouse pointer over each one in the problem area or place a piece of rolling stock in-front of each one to check its function you can always drag the rolling stock along to the next one when you are checking like this
Trust this helps a little
Regards Bob V
Half speed means you are running under a caution signal so you may need to make more blocks. Also the signal may be yellow because of a junction direction rather than another train. If a junction is set against the train (you have told it to go right and the junction is set left) you are speaking of it will cause a yellow signal until it enters that block and then red until the junction is set the direction the route is telling it to go.