South Western Main Line - Woking - Basingstoke - WIP


Well-known member


As some of you may have guessed, I am currently attempting to recreate a section of the SWML for Trainz. Currently, I only plan on doing Woking to Basingstoke (the full thing would be a bit much!) but I won't rule out going a bit further once I've finished that bit ;) The route will be set in the late 1950s/early 60s, in the dying days of steam. Once I've finished I'll probably do a 1980s/modern version. It won't be totally accurate, but it hopefully will be a good route for maxing out Bulleid pacifics.

Here's Farnborough:

I've regularly used the route since the early 70's and in the past 40 years it hasn't really changed that much and where it has those changes are frequently quite obvious. Platforms have been extended to accommodate larger trains and the stations are more automated but the old ticket offices, waiting rooms etc are still quite evident. The yard to the west of Woking north of the mainline has greatly shrunk while that south of the line now handling gravel/sand has expanded. At Basingstoke the overnight parking/cleaning facilities to the east have been added in recent years. Fortunately there has not been that much modern building close to the track other than close to Woking and Basingstoke, plus the odd glimpse of the M3. It will be interesting to see your efforts develop, good luck. Peter
That certainly will be useful for the 80's/90's, although my route is set in the steam era, between the late 1950s and 1967. I plan on doing an 80's version though :D A 442 wouldn't go amiss either, once I finish that.

Here's Fleet: