Sound problem


New member
Anyone help? Just installed 2006 on my machine with SP1. It runs OK but after a few seconds the sound is corrupted (hisses, crackles and othe horrid sounds). THese sounds change with relation to what is happening on the screen so it seems the program is actually playing the right sound but it's coming out all wrong! Sound cad is a creative Soundblaster Live.
AQny help appreciated.

Hi jconn,

Are the Drivers for your soundcard up to date? I have a SB Live and it runs fine for me.

Yes, drivers are up to daye. I've just formatted and reinstalled XP and dowloded all the latest drivers for sound card, video etc.
Cheers, Jeff.
No matter what drivers i used, my Audigy2 card crackles with TRS but not with any other game, so i'm using the built-in ac97 for trainz :mad:

Regards Barryg