Sound clarification wanted


Still Learning
Hello All......

Is it safe to say that sounds such as the "KB series" are in fact localized to the area where you have added it, and that sounds created via the TRIGGER COMMAND are heard all over the layout once triggered? I have done some very limited testing, and this seems to be the case. Can anyone clarify? Thanks in advance.:confused: TRS2004
Hello manjoe, unsure about your 2nd question, as I don't generally use the Trigger Command at all, but you are correct about localised sounds, however, try not to place too many together as they may drown each other out, birdsongs versus building sounds against cb chatter as well as horn and locomotive sounds all together is a bad recipe.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Hello manjoe, unsure about your 2nd question, as I don't generally use the Trigger Command at all, but you are correct about localised sounds, however, try not to place too many together as they may drown each other out, birdsongs versus building sounds against cb chatter as well as horn and locomotive sounds all together is a bad recipe.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

Hi Ex-railwayman........ The second question more or less dealt with an issue I had with the "FIRE IN THE HOLE" blasting wav sound. I had a trigger for it set to go off, which it did. I only wanted to hear it when the locomotive that set it off was the one at the bottom of the screen when in DCC mode. But if another locomotive were there, I would not want to hear it. Probably have no idea of what I am doing. It just appears to me that if a wav file is triggered by a trigger, it is heard all over the layout. I am still baffled. I will dig into the manuals more deeply.:confused: Thanks for your assistance. Definitely dont want those sounds too close together and over-lapping.:hehe:
Did you activate Play Sound with the Trigger Rule? If that's the case, yes, Play Sound is global. There has been mention, my wish also, that there would be some way to have a command or rule that would only play local sounds. I don't want to hear "all aboard", if I'm running a freight at the other end of the route.
Did you activate Play Sound with the Trigger Rule? If that's the case, yes, Play Sound is global. There has been mention, my wish also, that there would be some way to have a command or rule that would only play local sounds. I don't want to hear "all aboard", if I'm running a freight at the other end of the route.

Yes Norm, that is exactly what I did. "Play Sound With The Trigger Rule" works, but unfortunately I too dont want Walmart on the screen when I hear "Fire In The Hole"!!!!!!!!:hehe: Geez, that would scare all of the customers away............ Heaven help those folks in the hospital.

The "KB series" of sounds are truly fantastic. However there are a gazillion more Wav files available on the internet, and I have tried to play with some of them via the Trigger Rule. I am sure if I dig into it, I might be able to come up with something. It is frustrating, but beleive it or not, it is still FUN...........:wave:
Hello again........I am looking at the PLAY SOUND rule. I would not know where to start coding a computer, but it seems to me that if there existed an instruction(s) after PLAY WAVE, that stated ***IF AND ONLY IF*** the locomotive setting off the trigger was the one at the bottom of the DCC screen is this sound wav to be played. I imagine something similar could be coded for CAB MODE.

Maybe something like this???????

IF..... THIS Locomotive is at the bottom of the screen in DCC mode
THEN.....Play sound
OR ELSE.....Do not play sound....

Dont laugh....Somewhere if my thousand years I have heard the terms IF, THEN, OR ELSE. Sounds familiar anyway.:hehe:
Bob Pearson got in on one post a while back and had some suggestions. It might have been before the crash. Unfortunately I don't remember what they were.
Bob Pearson got in on one post a while back and had some suggestions. It might have been before the crash. Unfortunately I don't remember what they were.

Hello Norm.......

Do you recall if he had mastered IF and HOW it could be done? Boy, that would be great.........:udrool:
Sorry, I just remember him making some suggestions. Perhaps you could try contacting him, as he is a very knowledgeable man. And if you do get it figured out, I'm sure there are lots more people besides me that would be interested.
Sorry, I just remember him making some suggestions. Perhaps you could try contacting him, as he is a very knowledgeable man. And if you do get it figured out, I'm sure there are lots more people besides me that would be interested.

I will give it a try at contacting him. As far as ME figuring it out....I doubt it!!!:hehe: The one thing I think I understand about computer software is that one colon, one space, one period, or one burp out of place will have unpredictable results! And since I have no idea of where to even start, I am afraid I would bring Trainz to its' knees! I can just see myself, Trainz wont even power up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hehe:
I'm not really interested in rules so I don't spend much time on them. Almost all my scripting has been to provide custom behavior for railcars, locos and industries.

Whether a sound is heard locally or globably doesn't depend on what triggers it - only on the method called to play the sound. In the PlaySound rule the call made is to World.Play2DSound() so only a global sound is possible. I've looked at the rule and I didn't see any easy way to make it play local sounds. It has no knowledge of what triggered it or why. It was designed to play a 2D (global in Auran's terminology) sound when called and that's it.

In the current context of things using rules it's basically up to you to come up with a sequence of rules that can determine the correct sequence of events that will trigger this rule only when you want it played. Whether it's possible to do with the current rules available I don't know.

If you have a mapobject asset that's associated with your 'fire in the hole' sound it might be possible to script it to play a local sound when triggered. But that's about all the help I can provide.

Bob Pearson
I'm not really interested in rules so I don't spend much time on them. Almost all my scripting has been to provide custom behavior for railcars, locos and industries.

Whether a sound is heard locally or globably doesn't depend on what triggers it - only on the method called to play the sound. In the PlaySound rule the call made is to World.Play2DSound() so only a global sound is possible. I've looked at the rule and I didn't see any easy way to make it play local sounds. It has no knowledge of what triggered it or why. It was designed to play a 2D (global in Auran's terminology) sound when called and that's it.

In the current context of things using rules it's basically up to you to come up with a sequence of rules that can determine the correct sequence of events that will trigger this rule only when you want it played. Whether it's possible to do with the current rules available I don't know.

If you have a mapobject asset that's associated with your 'fire in the hole' sound it might be possible to script it to play a local sound when triggered. But that's about all the help I can provide.

Bob Pearson

Thank you again Bob for both your answer here and in the other thread. At least now my understanding is far more clearer about these rules. What I was trying to do with the rule could not be done. That's a relief. I thought I was going nuts!!!!!!! :hehe: