Someone Know?


New member
two question.
one. I have to use my 2004 to get onto the forum. I can't find any way to get there from my 2006 copy. I have 2004 on a different drive.
two Is there a texture type erase kuid that wipes a board back to original grid status thhat I can use for2006. I don't like useing the redo to much as it can cause problems
I think there is a grid texture on the DLS from memory, how ever it does not wipe exsisting texture but add to it as if you were placing one over the top.

As for your first question i have no answer. If someone can elaborate for the texture eg. kuid #'s etc cheers.

OK Yep it's ok. brings up cmp when I d/l. Thanks. The erazor is no good for that reason.I might as well just cover over with another texture.I,m after something that cleans back to the original grid?
Just a suggestion!


You may find this too complex but it has worked for me in the past.

Add the line -showkuids in trainzoptions.txt
go into surveyor and select the ground texture you are interested in removing and this will then show the kuid of the texture.
close out of trainz and open the config.txt for the map (not a session)
make a back-up copy of the file then remove the reference to the kuid and resave
open the map in trainz and the texture should be gone (unless of course you overlapped or overlayed multiple textures) and you should have just the empty grid showing.

Hope this helps with your problem

Remember - Have fun!

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Thanks Bchester. Actually,I've been doing that to a lot of routes that I d/l
So many come up with missing assets. If I don't like the route, I delete it. If I do like, I import what I can find from my old 2004 and repair them. Then into the config file and remove the missing ones.
Sometimes works I say sometimes. By theway, I,ve repaired many assets so far for 06. Should I be returning the fixed asset for other to use?
No. That's up to the original creators. With that you get into the copywrite infringements and we don't want to go their. Most Trainzers go through the same thing when the import older content into 06. A little advice though. Back up your local folder to an out side source like a CD or removable hard drive so if you have a major crash you won't have to repair everything again. You could just reload it from your backup.;)

Excellent advice.Will do NOW!
Your'e catchy name reminds me that my slave driver wants me to stop pla
ying on the (silly computer) and take her shopping OH WOE
two question.
one. I have to use my 2004 to get onto the forum. I can't find any way to get there from my 2006 copy. I have 2004 on a different drive.

Hmmmmmm, I'm slightly confused Baz, this is a forum on a website, why do you need to use your TRS2004 to access a website, any website ????
I have this forum as a cookie and can get onto it in a nanosecond, just put this URL in your favourite cookie section on your PC/Laptop and you can come and visit anytime.....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.