Some configuration settings for Passenger Stations not saved in TRS22.

John, I know you have a lot of knowledge on trainz. But now you are confusing me.

I had the stations in the route-layer and I had the same issue. Therefore I was following another advice from you. In another thread (passengers sunk into platforms) you yourself said on Feb 16, 2023 that ".. for the stations, it is now the session or at least it is for now until something changes in the future".

And by the way: it's not just Andi's invisible stations, it's all invisible stations. It also happens, for example, with clam1952's versions of the AJS invisible stations. Wiki states that stations should be in the route-layer and industry settings are considered to be session data. In this case, should passengers be seen as commodities?

In short, I really don't know what to do to get my stations in order. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi guys, I have same problem with Trainz22. Station reset pasengers on 120. I tried bunch of stations and they all do the same. Is there any station out there that works? I don't mind changing all my stations if I can find one that works.

John, I know you have a lot of knowledge on trainz. But now you are confusing me.

I had the stations in the route-layer and I had the same issue. Therefore I was following another advice from you. In another thread (passengers sunk into platforms) you yourself said on Feb 16, 2023 that ".. for the stations, it is now the session or at least it is for now until something changes in the future".

And by the way: it's not just Andi's invisible stations, it's all invisible stations. It also happens, for example, with clam1952's versions of the AJS invisible stations. Wiki states that stations should be in the route-layer and industry settings are considered to be session data. In this case, should passengers be seen as commodities?

In short, I really don't know what to do to get my stations in order. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit the parameters for the stations in the session. Don't place the stations in the session. If I confused you, I'm sorry.

I just tried this with Blodknok's VSR stations I use extensively and I spent hours configuring my stations in a very large session and they did not save their configuration whether in the Route or the Session.

What I'm concerned about is since the latest updates, as I said there have been changes to the program code that have affected many scripted assets such as stations and other interactive industries. I'm not sure if this is due to the Trainz Living Railroad that's still in Beta and currently found only in Plus, or it's due to the program updates breaking stations due to due to the stricter controls placed on scripts. Many signals have been rendered useless because of this and this has affected Andi's other scripts.

With that said, I would leave things alone rather than start replacing assets because there will hopefully be an update at some point (tm) to fix the problem and we'll end up going through the mess for naught. We've been there before with other things such as text colors on configurable/editable assets. If you want to replace the stations with something else that looks better, use something that looks better than they do with floating passengers, but other than that, I'm at a loss too with this one.
John, no need to say sorry. Trainz can be very complicated sometimes. If you can't resolve this issue, I will certainly not be able to do so. I guess you are right and it is best to wait for an update that hopefully fixes this. Thanks for the support.

About configuration settings for passengers Stations : Sure it's a problem that is in the hands of N3V.
With Trainz 22, I have exactly the same problem with my own invisible platforms but it concerns all stations - industry - of all type !
To be more precise, the bug concerns the variable 'peak departure passenger' : it invariably remains stuck at 120 !
By script, I think one may overwritte this setting, to force the value of variable by using the function void SetPeakDepartingPassengerCount (int platformIndex, int peakCount) . But that would be a DIY job !
I'm going to send a bug report. Just for emphasis...
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Here'is a message from ZEC Murphy I've just received :
'Thank you for reporting this to us. The latest update for TRS22 and TrainzPlus includes updates for the default passenger station script in preparation for future Trainz Living Railroad additions. I have passed this on to our team to look into further.'
Thank you Mister.
And....let's wait and see.
John, it doesn't matter which layer they are in. Really hope this is addressed soon as it affects a lot of routes, and has discouraged me from moving to TRS22 for route development.

Sorry this a a late reply.. I have been having a bit of a Trainz break.
John, it doesn't matter which layer they are in. Really hope this is addressed soon as it affects a lot of routes, and has discouraged me from moving to TRS22 for route development.

Sorry this a a late reply.. I have been having a bit of a Trainz break.
A Trainz break is important for saving hairs from being pulled.

N3V is aware of the problem as Vincent found out and hopefully there will be a fix for that soon(tm).
I also have the problem of peak passengers not saving.
all of my stations are saved on the route layer and have been edited on the route layer (settings not kept. peak departing passengers revert to 120 every time)
I also had/have major issues with sessions not saving which at the time of writing this they have saved.

I also have the problem of peak passengers not saving.
all of my stations are saved on the route layer and have been edited on the route layer (settings not kept. peak departing passengers revert to 120 every time)
I also had/have major issues with sessions not saving which at the time of writing this they have saved.

Yup. I found I could set the stations up while in Driver by getting properties on the stations.
I also have issues with stations not saving the settings. However, I have found that it's just not stations that are not saving changes. I have found that the Central Portal Control is basically useless in build 123794. Changes made to trains and route in the Central Portal Control are also not saved. To make matters worse the trains and routes assigned to one portal are replaced with consists and commands from another portal. I have found that in many of my routes I have had to eliminate the use of the Central Portal Control command.

I hope that the next update fixes some of these issues instead of just having "new stuff" that seems to break what worked before. I spend most of my time now trying to find work arounds for broken stuff instead of extending existing routes or building new ones.
Anything new regarding station saving problem? Did anybody found station that does save peak info?