SketchUp and Trainz


route builder
There seem to be all manner of helpful people online at the moment, so I take the opportunity to pop a few more questions (bare with me, I'm a newbie still).

I love creating landscapes/routes, but have trouble finding the right kind of houses and things like that. I'd love to make some of my own to get around that problem, but that creates another: HOW?

I've tried to read about Gmax, but it's more confusing than helpful. By the way, it said somewhere that "Gmax ships with the retail package of Trainz"? Huh? I have Trainz 2006, but haven't seen Gmax anywhere around my computer?? From what I've read and seen here and there, Gmax is probably too complex for me anyway.

On the other hand, I just discovered Google's SketchUp 6. Wow, is that nice! It's a snap to create models! Made several already. There are also a multitude of very pretty models avaiable from all over the world to download. Now these would be perfect to use in a landscape!!

I did read an earlier thread here bout SketchUp, but that one seemed to die out in April, and didn't really answer my questions anyway.

I have the free version of SketchUp, I'm not about to pay $500 for the Pro.

So here are the questions:

Is there some way one can transfer/transform the models (kmz files) from SketchUp to whatever format will be importable into Trainz?? If one succeeds in doing so, will the scale be the same?? Will I still have to rework those files in CCP (that I'm not familiar with as yet)??

And most important: Am I just wasting my energy here? Do you really have to be an expert in something like Gmax (and from what I've read so far I don't understand half of it) to make some plain houses and stuff??

Anybody out there with some answers to this?
So here are the questions:

Is there some way one can transfer/transform the models (kmz files) from SketchUp to whatever format will be importable into Trainz?? If one succeeds in doing so, will the scale be the same?? Will I still have to rework those files in CCP (that I'm not familiar with as yet)??

And most important: Am I just wasting my energy here? Do you really have to be an expert in something like Gmax (and from what I've read so far I don't understand half of it) to make some plain houses and stuff??

Anybody out there with some answers to this?


Our friend decapod should have the sketchup exporter to .IM files ready soon, read here or decapod is currently finishing the MSTS exporter for sketchup then he will finish the Trainz exporter for sketchup.

Their are plenty of Tutorials for Gmax on other 3rd party Trainz sites, all you need is Gmax from Turbosquid and Trainz Asset Creation Studio:
Download Gmax:

Also you need Trainz Asset Creation Studio:
Download Trainz Asset Creation Studio here:

Gmax Tutorials for Trainz:
GaryP brick box tutorial:

TS2009 beta plugins for 3ds Max 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 2008 at TrainzDEV site:


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OY! Thanks Ashan.

I'm trying to digest all this information, then I'll probably be back with more questions:hehe:
Blender is easier and we have a Blender exporter that works reasonably well.

The exporter is link is in the first message here.

It doesn't have the same tutorials though. However if you download the sample files from sourcenet then one is a simple house so you can just change the shape etc to get you going.

If you want help with the config.txt files email me jwhelan0112

Cheerio John
Thanks John

Gee whizz, I don't understand what the blender exporter actually does??
I'm gonna download this and have a look.

Can I create something in SketchUP (just need plain little old houses, nothing animated) and then somehow via blender exporter get it into Trainz? And what's that about config.txt files??

You'll have to excuse me for these stupid questions. I haven't learned any of this yet. I'm trying to collect this information so I know where to put my efforts, so not to spend days/weeks/months learning a program I cannot use anyways, you see?

All your help is very much appreciated.
UH, now I have the exporter. Where do I find the blender??

DISREGARD, I found it on the web, in the process of downloading.
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Ok, installed Blender and had a look. So Blender is a 3D creator to use instead of SketchUp. It does not look as easy to work with as SketchUp though. And the main thing for me, for SketchUp there are SO many models already available form all over the world (see example below), that I'd love to use in Trainz (guess there's so many cause people create them for Google Earth).
I'll still have a further look at Blender and Gmax both, but I really like to work with SketchUp, so I guess my best shot is to wait for an exporter for SketchUp>Trainz to come along?

I'll get back to working on the sketchup export "soon" (1-2 weeks?)
(Just make sure all your texture file dimensions are powers of 2)
I'll get back to working on the sketchup export "soon" (1-2 weeks?)
(Just make sure all your texture file dimensions are powers of 2)

WOW decapod, that's REAL good news!! :D

Oooops :o it seems that every time I get an answer, it sparks a new question.
What do you mean by "texture file dimensions are powers of 2", something I'm not aware of??

(I know what "powers of 2" means, I just dunno why this is important??)

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WOW decapod, that's REAL good news!! :D

Oooops :o it seems that every time I get an answer, it sparks a new question.
What do you mean by "texture file dimensions are powers of 2", something I'm not aware of??

(I know what "powers of 2" means, I just dunno why this is important??)

Because Trainz will only accept texture files that have pixel sizes that are powers of 2, e.g. 64x64, 512x512, 512x128 etc. Note the height and width do not have to be the same but MUST be powers of 2 e.g. 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,512 etc.

Another point is that if you use a separate Alpha channel texture it must be the same size as the main texture. It is better of course to use the alpha channel available in the tga file itself.
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Have you explored PaintShed? It's included with TRS2004 and TRS2006 (but not TC). It's a relatively simple program which allows you to change the textures of some built-in rolling stock without having to worry about all the complexities of 3D meshes, config.txt files, etc.

Some people find Blender easier to use, some people find gmax easier. I suggest you try both. I couldn't get used to Blender's weird user interface. There's a wikibook on Blender here that might help

Don't forget the Trainz wikibook at which has some hints on content creation.

For gmax, I suggest working through the first few of its own (non-Trainz) tutorials to learn the fundamentals. Then try the famous "Brick Box Tutorial" at - if you can get that working, it's worth persisting with gmax, otherwise (in most cases) probably not. The "gmax Bible" by Kelly Murdock is a very good printed book which explains the program well but it's quite expensive (try Amazon). After the horrors of UVW mapping the next big hurdle in gmax is animation.

This stuff isn't easy. Nearly everyone finds it tough going.

HTH, John
Blender is easier and we have a Blender exporter that works reasonably well.

The exporter is link is in the first message here.

It doesn't have the same tutorials though. However if you download the sample files from sourcenet then one is a simple house so you can just change the shape etc to get you going.

If you want help with the config.txt files email me jwhelan0112

Cheerio John


John sorry forgot to mention blender:wave: :)

anyway back on topic:

Also you can use 3D Canvas Pro for a hefty price:

Trainz Plugin for 3D Canvas Pro in the (Train Simulator Plug-in Pack (320k):

I'll stick with blender easy to use.:)


Thank you all for all your advice and tips.

I'm using TRS2006, and yes, I did have a look at painshed, but it's for rolling stock, and I need houses.

The point for me is to be able to use the software I already have and know how to use. It also seems like a smart idea to go with the software that actually has thousands of buildings already made and available to it. Where else would I find just about anything form the Capitol Hill to the Eiffel Tower all ready to be put into good use?

So I will keep my fingers crossed for the moment and hope Decapod comes up with software that will allow me to do just that.

But I do realize there's a lot for me to learn still, and I will take you all's good advice and download all this software and tutorials and try to learn from it.

Thanks again

Glad to be a help, any other problems or if you need any other advice post here.:wave:

One last thing have you got service pack 1 installed for TRS2006?


Yes I do have SP1 installed, and I'll take you up on that, once I digest all of this info and go through the turorials, I'm bound to have more questions, he he.

More info on 3D Canvas Pro see info below in RED:

What's New in 3D Canvas 7.1.1 for Train Simulators
  • Updated Train Simulator Wizard (3D Canvas Pro Feature)The Train Simulator Wizard now prepares and exports models to Rail Simulator format.
  • New Trainz Railroad Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro Feature)
    3D Canvas now exports to Trainz Railroad Simulator format.
  • New Rail3D Export (3D Canvas Pro Feature)
    3D Canvas now exports to Rail3D stock, scenery and signal formats.
  • New BVE Train Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro Feature)
    3D Canvas now exports to BVE Train Simulator format.
  • Improved MSTS Animation Export (3D Canvas Pro/3D Canvas Plus Feature)
    Animation of root groups can now be exported.
  • Improved MSTS Material Export (3D Canvas Pro/3D Canvas Plus Feature)
    It is now possible to set all material attributes on a per face basis.

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A bit more on 3D canvas Pro ($70)

As well as exporting to Trainz, it can also export to:

Rail Simulator
and will work with MSTS-2 (when released)