Silver Trains


Fan of Everything Train
Somebody must have experienced the trains going to silver while driving in TRS2006. All paintshed reskins, Built in F7's, most rolling stock, etc. turns silver. Is there a solution so I can drive with actual train carsd and not silver boxes?
What he was saying your graphics card might be weak plus in "options"
you can check "open gl" if "direct x9" is checked or vise versa

It basically depends on your graphics card most probs like this are the built in to upgrade if it is and more ram always helps....

Well, what I don't get is why it does it sometimes and its fine the others. Take for example the built in CN trainmaster, it doesn't go silver. Why is that?
basically the more objects placed the harder your card works until it
basically gets to hot to run right...

I had same problem with my comp til a spent a few hundred in upgrading...
basically the more objects placed the harder your card works until it
basically gets to hot to run right...

I had same problem with my comp til a spent a few hundred in upgrading...

Not exactly true.. not so much hot - cards (and all computer compoenents) are set to be able to run, there is a limit of how hot they will get but they alway have to run - if they dont its usually because the component has been overclocked to a setting that is too much for the component.

Regardless this sounds to me like a memory issue - not enough ram for the textures to fit..
What video card do you have? (For example, go to Run, type dxdiag, check the Display tab if you need to find out)
Have you updated your video drivers?