Show off your reskins!

Some cars might have to be re-skinned from Magicland's passenger cars, but due to the fact that he's no longer active, I won't be able to release them.

Why can't you do that? Do you have to get permission from Magicland's before you can release them? Some of his content on the Download Station has been updated to TS 2009 Pre-SP4 as recent as August 2014.
I've gotten permission from him about releases before, about as recently as a week ago. Just be nice and patient. Don't send him a thousand emails if he doesn't respond within a few days, it takes him a while to get around to replying.
Nothing much extremely new, but finally got a good base for all the liveries I'm focused on doing for now... (for now...)


Just need to go over some final small details, get some numbers done, and should be good to go. As a quick possible request, I can recall always having trouble finding a really good match for Reading's number font (the 5310 on the side). If anyone would happen to know of a good font to match it, I'd appreciate a name/download location if possible. Thanks!
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Oh. My. God. That looks AWESOME! I have three of those in HO scale: the new release from Bowser came in lots of roadnumbers. Great job man!
Just out of the paint shop, the L&A's newest LCL freight cars. They are of the wagon top style to symbolize the L&A's streamlining motif.


I love those roads! They look really worn and real, do you plan to release them? I would be very happy if you did.