Show off your reskins!

Not the best, and doesn't really do the paint scheme justice in my opinion, but a quick reskin of Jr's S2 set to PRL paint. Needed something smaller and higher quality for slower switching sessions, and these fit the bill for me at least! Black will probably be lightened as well.
This image makes it look the best in my opinion. Nice job.
sense it was rushed into service before paint job was completed Utah Belt SD80 5102 and one of its sister locos are going under inspection. this is the 100 mile test to make sure everything is working before it is put on the big jobs, heavy freight and the 110 car coal drags from the mine
I love how the Patriot River Railroad paint scheme changes. Gives the railroad some history and makes it even more real as railroads simplify paint jobs to save money.
I use Paint.NET. That is considered the clean version. If you want weathering, the original loco is Ben Neal's, with some having extensive weathering, like his 2-6-0, heavy 4-4-0, and high headlight 2-8-2.