should I upgrade to TS19 or TS22

TRS19 seems to be a solid release (relatively). I have been through the "I gotta have the latest" phase and want to focus on realistic train activity. The visual improvements of trs22 do not make the trains run on time. If creating a route, or improving a route is a goal, then trs22. If creating believable "railroad" scenarios is the goal I would stick to TRS19. Artwork does not make the trains run on time.
Of course you can get both appearance and real trains with TRS 2022 and a good purchased route by one of the few artists skilled in both.
There still seems to be some confusion about the current versions of Trainz, as pointed out by a few posters here. Just to clarify:-

TRS22 - a "one off" payment (no subscription), keep for life (or the life of your computer and/or operating system). This is the "standard edition" it does NOT have Surveyor 2.0 or HD terrain or other new Trainz Plus only features

TRS22PE - a "one off" payment (no subscription), keep for life (or the life of your computer and/or operating system). This is the "Platinum Edition" it DOES have Surveyor 2.0 but does NOT have HD terrain or other new Trainz Plus only features

Trainz Plus - a subscription payment (monthly or annually), keep for as long as you keep making the payments (you can stop the payments and resume later). It comes with quarterly updates with new features and it DOES have Surveyor 2.0 and HD Terrain. It has a Gold Subscription option (for an additional subscription charge) which gives you free access to ALL the DLC as long as you keep making the payments.

In table form:

TRS22 StandardTRS22 Platinum EditionTrainz Plus StandardTrainz Plus Gold Membership
Purchase and KeepYesYesNoNo
Subscription PaymentsNoNoYesYes
Surveyor ClassicYesYesYesYes
Surveyor 2.0NoYesYesYes
HD TerrainNoNoYesYes
Free DLC*NoNoNoYes
Quarterly UpdatesNoNoYesYes
*All versions come with some DLC routes installed.

If subscription software is not for you then my personal recommendation would be TRS22PE.
Another source of confusion is the on-screen labeling of the different versions of Trainz.

The Windows title bar for Trainz Plus, TRS22PE and (I presume, because I don't have it) TRS22 are identical. They all appears as:-


In the case of Trainz Plus this is because your copy will always mirror the latest Trainz retail release. When I upgraded from TRS19PE to Trainz Plus the title bar did not change from Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 because TRS19 was still the latest retail release. When TRS22 was released Trainz Plus received an upgrade and the title bar changed to the current Trainz Railroad Simulator 2022. When TRS25 (or whatever) is released it will change again to display the new version title bar.

The simple way to tell the difference between the release versions is the logo on the launch window,

For Trainz Plus it is


For TRS22PE it is


and I would guess for TRS22 it is the same as above but without the "PE".
I have both TRS19 and TRS22PE and it's TRS19 that I work with these days. The big advantage with TRS19 is that no buggy 'updates' are going to banjax all your hard work so you'll have to spend the next couple of days in despair trying to repair the mess. Possibly when TRS22PE is no longer receiving 'updates' and is in about a complete a state as it's ever going to be I might consider going back to it.

I have TANE as well which is where I keep my legacy locomotives, rolling stock and routes that TRS19 and TRS22 would make a complete and utter mess of.
If the OP is wanting to move their TS12 routes across to the later 64 bit versions of Trainz it is possible to do it, but be prepared for a lot of work to get them looking good and working well again. I always transferred my TS12 routes into TANE first before attempting to take them further.
It is interesting. Reading the posts comparing TRS19 with TRS22 with the authors preferring TRS19 (a perfectly valid opinion) I am reminded of posts a few years ago comparing T:ANE with TRS19 and the authors preferring T:ANE for often the same reasons - less "buggy", more stable.

TRS22 is currently in SP2 and the latest release of TRS19 is SP5. While I have no dates available to me it would not surprise me to learn that when TRS19 was at a similar level of development (SP2) T:ANE was in its final SP release.

Who could forget, from those of us who were around at the time, the "disaster" that was the initial release of T:ANE? Bug Central (or similar) as I recall some calling it at the time. The forum flames were legendary (or just became so with the passage of time) with many posters swearing that they will delete T:ANE and stick with TS12.

The point is that any new software release will have many issues (there is no such thing as "bug free" software) and it can take a few years before it becomes stable enough for some users to consider it worth buying - which is a perfectly valid viewpoint. During that "running in" period those of us who have taken the leap of faith and bought in early have had the opportunity of learning the new features (e.g. Surveyor 2.0) and will have a head start on those who waited.

Me? I just like the adventure of trying the new with all the risks that can sometimes carry with it. Trainz is, after all, just a game (please no angry posts on that).
It is interesting. Reading the posts comparing TRS19 with TRS22 with the authors preferring TRS19 (a perfectly valid opinion) I am reminded of posts a few years ago comparing T:ANE with TRS19 and the authors preferring T:ANE for often the same reasons - less "buggy", more stable.

TRS22 is currently in SP2 and the latest release of TRS19 is SP5. While I have no dates available to me it would not surprise me to learn that when TRS19 was at a similar level of development (SP2) T:ANE was in its final SP release.

Who could forget, from those of us who were around at the time, the "disaster" that was the initial release of T:ANE? Bug Central (or similar) as I recall some calling it at the time. The forum flames were legendary (or just became so with the passage of time) with many posters swearing that they will delete T:ANE and stick with TS12.

The point is that any new software release will have many issues (there is no such thing as "bug free" software) and it can take a few years before it becomes stable enough for some users to consider it worth buying - which is a perfectly valid viewpoint. During that "running in" period those of us who have taken the leap of faith and bought in early have had the opportunity of learning the new features (e.g. Surveyor 2.0) and will have a head start on those who waited.

Me? I just like the adventure of trying the new with all the risks that can sometimes carry with it. Trainz is, after all, just a game (please no angry posts on that).
The T:ANE release was pure hell and N3V learned a lot from that. The product was released way too soon, I'm assuming due to contractual agreements with the publisher they had, and we got stuck with a nearly useless product. At one point, we couldn't even edit a route without a CTD and DBRs were a daily occurrence. As a moderator at the time, I was constantly stressed by the to be unnamed users who were purely rude and went as far as personally emailing and attacking people including myself. It was then that I retired from that and let someone else take over. My health was far more important than Trainz!

Finally, after a hotfix we got SP1 that was okay but very unstable and SP2 was better but introduced whacky AI. The final service pack straightened things out but T:ANE was never finished and we moved on to TRS19.

TRS19 was the best release. The initial release was nice. The program had the performance of T:ANE with new graphics. The AI behaved pretty well and everything seemed to work. As the service packs moved in, I noticed a dramatic drop in performance and the AI became whacky. It's too bad that people have to "fix" something that works well. TRS19 in all honesty is what T:ANE should have been when that was released.

TRS22/PE/PLUS fixed the performance issues introduced into TRS19. The AI also acted a bit better but other quirks have been introduced such as bugs with update/replace assets, lighting and texturing issues. The biggest bug currently worth mentioning is the AI bug where the drivers now back up randomly, skip stations, and do other annoying things worse than normal. The good news is the current beta, still in testing, has fixed those issues but has sadly broken scripts for important assets such as TRC level crossing control and other important components in the program.

While I included Plus in with TRS22 and TRS22 PE, it's actually a different product based on the same game engine. Plus users have access to beta testing of future features that will eventually, well mostly but not always into newer versions of Trainz. Multiplayer Surveyor (MPS) is one of them. The other feature which is now bog-standard in TRS22 versions is the Universal Driver Surveyor (UDS) that allows users to sort of, well kind of mostly with caveats, jump between Surveyor and Driver easily. This feature has proven to be a useful tool for route development and testing and replaces the old Quick-Drive which was cumbersome. In addition, Plus initially saw the Surveyor 2.0 (S20) and the new HD terrain. These are still in development with many new features being added with nearly every version upgrade.