Shoul I or shouldn't I?


Active member
I went up from 2010 to 2012 not too long ago but I didn't add anything from the basic install and just wondered in hindsight whether to?
I've come back to Trains after an extended break.
I have changed hard drives on my computer and, although I still have the old drive and COULD connect it up and get the data off it, I decided to reinstall .. I have TS12 and Trains CE.
I have updated TS12 to build 49922.
I am reluctant to go to SP1, because of some of the things I have heard about it . But I'm considering making another separate install and updating that one to SP1... to see for myself if I need to have any real concerns about it ... If I don't like it I figure I can just play in 49922 and wait for T:ane
In answer to the the OP. I would say, at least take it to 49922 IMHO.
Do you mean you didn't patch from the base version (which might vary depending on where and when you got TS12) or that you didn't import the base TS2010 content? If the former, I'd take it to 49922 and leave it there. If the latter, there's an easy trick to adding the built-in/base content, but you'll have to manually import anything else.
I am unaware of the possibility of importing content from 2010. I have never owned 2010. I installed 2012 from a download that I purchased through N3V. Have reinstalled it several times over the time I have had it and I simply take the updates that are available to me starting from the build number that I install. I THINK that is 47772.
Previously I have taken it to the most up to date. However, as I said in my earlier post, this time I didn't update further than 49922 (so far).
I took the updates from
You can bring in TS2010 content into TS12.

You need to copy in the ja files and put in your TS2010 serial number. Keep in mind you will see a ton of obsolete items in Content Manager and receive a ton of updates as the content has been updated.

As far as updating and patching, it's up to you. If you want the latest DLC and more recent content from the DLS, you need to update. If you don't care, you can keep where you are, however, there are some nice fixes in the service pack which are worth considering. The once deadly crash when merging bug has been solved once and for all. There is also the ability to straighten non-track splines without switching to the track tool. Updating does come with a cost as there are some things that run a bit slower while others run better. Updating to HF4 is probably the best if you do decide to update because that solves some of the loading and performance issues we saw with SP1.

Hi John Thanks for replying to the thread.
I think early in the thread I became a little confused about who was replying to whom.
I believe now, looking back that RRSignal's reply was not directed to me but to the OP.
However, I replied to that mistakenly thinking it was directed to me.
Your answer clarifies it for me now . I have never owned TS2010, so I was correct in my assumption that I am not able to import TS2010 content in to TS12, (Unless i was to purchase a copy of 2010, which I'm unlikely to do).

I am currently making a copy of my 2012 install using a method that Philskene has posted in a different thread.
Once the files are copied I will update that version to service Pack 1 and add all the hot fixes.
Then I will have the best of both worlds while I await T:ane.
I agree with you that there does seem to be some good content on the DLS that needs SP1.
As I said in my first post, I have been away from trains for a while ... so I need to catch up on all of the stuff I missed so I'm furiously reading the forums.
They are, as always, a wealth of information.
Kind Regards,
I agree with you that there does seem to be some good content on the DLS that needs SP1.

Most of which works perfectly fine in TS2010 and even TS2009; it's just that, in the vast majority of cases, creators or DLS Cleanup fixers unnecessarily set the Trainz-build to 3.7 because they don't have a clue what they're doing, although I know of one that is deliberately trying to break compatibility with older versions.
Most of which works perfectly fine in TS2010 and even TS2009; it's just that, in the vast majority of cases, creators or DLS Cleanup fixers unnecessarily set the Trainz-build to 3.7 because they don't have a clue what they're doing, although I know of one that is deliberately trying to break compatibility with older versions.
On the other hand they could be setting the trainz-build to match the version in which the fix was tested which is common sense.

Can I say that I left TRS2010 completely and started afresh with installing TRS2012. All I did was import my present being route being worked on that is all. Inote a suggestion to add patches whilst another direction is doubtful!
When patching up to a higher level, make a copy of your current installation and patch the copy rather than the original.

That way you can always revert to the lower level if you find that the patched version is disappointing.

While you are at it, make a backup copy of the original on an independent storage device in case of accidents.

Cheers - Trevor
I think it was one of the JR folks that posted the easy way to Patch TS12 without losing content or breaking Assets. I think it was NS37, but don't quote me on that. IIRC, all you have to do is pull files out of the install before you patch and then replace them when you're done, followed by a Database rebuild or something. I dont remember the specifics. Though I do remember one of the Mods coming in and saying this was not a recommended way to do this.

After that, I've found CM 3.7 to be one of the most stable forms of CM I've ever dealt with (Not that it doesn't still have its idiosyncrasies). The only complaint I've ever had with TS12 is that it ruined older billboard vegetation, but alot of that has even been fixed now with newer assets.....

I have posted this several myself several times.
Copy and paste the Local and original and just a QDR, doesn't need a full EDR, although not an approved method, is IMO the safest way, as it does not convert everything to locally modified and confront you with a large number of new warnings and errors.

I actually tested this put some time ago on a clean install of TS12 patched up to SP1 HF4

Importing the saved local and original produced hundreds of warnings and errors.

Copy and paste + QDR, everything remained as it was in 49922 apart from a few problems I had with faulty wav files, I used Audacity to fix them but easily fixed in AssetX now. This needs to be done after installing patching and so on and before adding anything or running surveyor or Driver.
Of course if you already have a lot of stuff flagged as locally modified with warnings showing in your old install, then it would be advisable to either revert to original or repair them before transferring them to a new install.
Assets not installed from the DLS using Content Manager but imported will always show as locally modified, so if you have a lot of stuff from Non DLS sources you may have problems whatever method you use, so if they already have warnings fix them first!


Importing using CM opens each item for edit and commits, thus converting every imported asset to locally modified and hidden warnings etc become active, you get all those missing Thumbnail errors for a start!

Copy and Paste + QDR, is effectively just updating what Trainz sees as an existing database, no open for edit or committing required.