

Trains & Ponies!
Hey guys I see screenshots of people with terrain and tree shadows. Are these screenshots from TS12 or from T:ANE? On TS12 there I only see train shadows but I am unaware of terrain and tree shadows (i.e. Mountain shadows etc.) If they are from TS12, could someone tell me how to enable or obtain them?
Hey guys I see screenshots of people with terrain and tree shadows. Are these screenshots from TS12 or from T:ANE? On TS12 there I only see train shadows but I am unaware of terrain and tree shadows (i.e. Mountain shadows etc.) If they are from TS12, could someone tell me how to enable or obtain them?

That's all in TANE which has auto-generated shadows which means everything will have shadows and not just trains and rail bridges. :)

Yup, All T:ANE, Really excited to see more forrested routes once we get the Tree Assets sorted out, in the mean time:



I could only wish Slugsmasher would come back and do more 36" Logging stuff, it would be incredible....

Shadow questions:

1. So for a traincar made for TANE a shadow mesh is no longer necessary?

2. Will the shadow mesh in a traincar made for TS2012 (with or without SP1/HF4) cause problems in TANE?


Hi Ben
In both cases, no. T:ANE no longer requires a shadow mesh; and having a shadow mesh will not cause any issues.
