Setting Speed Limit Help?


New member
I new to trs and am having difficulty in setting max speeds for locos, and setting speeds at different spots on my layout. Some of you old timers let me know what to do. I'm technically challenged.
First, (assuming you're building a new layout) open the trackside objects and add signals. There's good info in the on-disk manuals on the opening window. Without signals, the AI will read all tracks as caution signals and run at half speed.
Second, still in Trackside objects, add speed signs to the track. There are several built in and lots on the DLS. The speed signs tell the program how fast you want trains to run on a particular section of track. That will be displayed on your heads-up panel in the upper right corner of the screen in Driver.
Experiment, see what different items do. It's a lot of fun.

:cool: Claude
Also note that a consist will adopt the new speed when the first unit of the consist passes it when reducing the speed but will only increase speed when the last unit passes. Dont place speed signs to close together, leave enough space for large consists to fit between them.