Set Schedule/Route for User (Human) drive


New member
I want to set up a route/schedule for a User/Human driver so I don't have to manually check every point (e.g. Drive to Track Mark 1, Track Mark 2 etcc...) and then have Trainz set all the points correctly. How do I do this?

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The track marks are for AI (computer) drivers to follow. You, the user, presses the number 1 key on the top of the main part of your keyboard and climbs in. You may want to go ahead and flip the switches for yourself ahead of time to give you a high ball all the way, otherwise, you'll have to stop and flip switches which you can do from within the cab by pressing the J-key.

To hide the switch-levers while in Driver, press CTRL+H so you don't have the bright green and red arrows all over the place.

A variation of this is to go for a ride along with the AI. Setup your schedule as you said, track mark 1, track mark 2, Drive To (station/industry)-platform, Load, etc. and then press the 1-key to climb in the cab along with the AI. I do this often just to go for a ride.
Maybe you'd have to explain more. But by definition if it's "auto route" then it's under AI and you are not driving. EIther you are in control or AI is in control. If at any time you want to you can change while Driving to AI. Just change driving modes and issue "Navigate To" or "Drive To" commands and the AI takes over for you. You can grab it back any time. Do this by using the 3dot "Driving Mode" icon on the far right bottom of screen (it's next to the controls).
Maybe you'd have to explain more. But by definition if it's "auto route" then it's under AI and you are not driving. EIther you are in control or AI is in control. If at any time you want to you can change while Driving to AI. Just change driving modes and issue "Navigate To" or "Drive To" commands and the AI takes over for you. You can grab it back any time. Do this by using the 3dot "Driving Mode" icon on the far right bottom of screen (it's next to the controls).

By “auto route” I mean “If I want to go from Station A to Station B - get Trainz to set all the points for that route”

I might try the setup AI and then take over.
I think he means set up a simple session that goes from A- B following an exact route - not the default track that the AI thinks is correct

In that case you need to set up new session with a rule for the route but I'll leave someone else to explain it better and clearer than my muddy method I use the set Junction rule -- you have to spend some time going down the map remembering a lot of numbers..

I haven't mastered scheduling yet though
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So there’s no way to get Trainz to auto route user trains?

This can be done, I think by setting up interlocking towers which will control the points and crossovers, junctions and even routing. I'm no expert at these and only tried them when they were still in beta. For the best answer on these, I'll bow out and let the experts answer that.
Well, what you are trying to do is something like a session.

Those may be a bit difficult to set up when you are just starting out. However, youtube is here to the rescue and we are here to help.

What you want to do is basically set the switches using the "Set Junctions" rule and then to check that the driver hit the destination you can use the "Check Trackside" rule. From there on out you can easily program even more stuff depending on how long the route is.

The short answer for the "auto-drive" is that it exists, but it's rather limited, as it really just works as "Drive", until it reaches a signal that is red or a switch that is thrown against it.

You can set up an AI Driver and then tell it to go to a trackmark and ride alongside it though. While this might be the easiest solution, there are many times the AI will do some rather unexplainable stuff.

On the topic of Interlocking Towers... that's a whole new universe of setting paths and signals.

You can do this by using the Enhanced Interlocking Towers and Mission Codes by author "pguy" and on the DLS. You will have to take some time to set up an EIT at each junction along the route with the appropriate paths set up. You allocate a mission code to the path that you want the train to follow and also allocate the same mission code to your player train. All you have to do is drive as normal and the EITs will automatically set up the path that you require for the route.

The advantage of this is that you can also set up AI trains with mission codes and the correct commands and they will also set their own routes.

Be aware though that if you have no experience with these assets that there can be a very steep learning curve with them. However once you've mastered them you'll wonder how you ever managed without them.

There is some doccumentation on the wiki


Find a good session that has a lot of trains running specific routes and then start learning and picking apart the session rules in Session Editor ("Edit Session") and read wiki docs on how to create a session. Start very simple and work your way up.

put the following quoted text in google search and check the returns:

create session site:
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