I looked at the route kuids and the only thing I see is Kuid:336419:1091 that says "not active"
It is for a black switch machine, could this be my issue?
On session 1.1 i have all the yard switchs but when I move out to the mainline to couple the gondolas to the train
there are not switch signals showing and I derail everytime.
Regards Kent
Aha! Now we're getting somewhere. From my Content Manager the kuid is:
<kuid:336419:1091> US&S M-23 Switch Machine, Black
And it's status is "Modified, Payware". I check the mainline switches in the route and, yes, they are the US&S M-23 Switch Machine, Black. I also looks at the dependants for this asset and they are:
<kuid2:109664:100020:10> Franklin Avenue Industrial
<kuid:109664:100003> Santa Fe, Needles District
The Franklin Avenue Industrial route is payware (yes, I bought it through N3V) so that is why the asset is active in T:ANE for me.
The asset is mentioned in this thread: https://forums.auran.com/trainz/sho...edles-Missing-Deps&highlight=kuid:336419:1091
I went to the SoCalTrain site but couldn't find the asset there no matter where I went in the site.
This thread also talks about this asset (understatement of the year): https://forums.auran.com/trainz/sho...s-Payware-inactive&highlight=kuid:336419:1091
Again, I went to the site in one of the post but found that the page not available. So I went to the home page: https://n8phu.wordpress.com/
and did a search with no result. The final post in the thread from the frustrated creator of the asset is rather interesting and might explain why I couldn't find it on that site or any site for that matter. NOT COMPLAINING! Just fact.
Anyway, I'm at a loss at what you can do except use the search function in the forums and insert, kuid:336419:1091, and see what you get to help you out.
Maybe someone else can help. Or maybe everyone is sick of beating the dead horse.
On a side note: Maybe I should have researched the route on the forums and realized that there were going to be a group of users that weren't going to be able to run the sessions. I would have then had to make the decision whether or not to even take the time (we're talking many hours of development and testing) to design the sessions. My mistake. Live and learn.
Actually, it's kind of sad that this nice little route is getting beat up so much.
Take care,