semaphore signals (British Railways)


Is there anyone out there in the world of trainz that does commision work for creating British Railways semaphore signals,I have most of the onesa on the dls but there are one or two that arn't standard,I would be willing to pay for this service if anyone can help me out.Or are there any tuturials for making my own,not that i've ever done any 3d modeling,thanks in advance.
See if there's anything on the uktrainz forum, or the S&C websites, that you can use. The ranges are still expanding, so requests are often considered.Chris.
I've found most of the Trainz Classics 3 UK semaphore signals work perfectly without errors in Trainz 2009 and Trainz 2010, I use the upper quadrant ones all the time in trainz 2010, but I do know both types work, visit the Trainz Classics website to download what signals you need...

Please note - other content apart from semaphore signals on the Trainz Classics UK site may show up faulty with errors...

Hope this helps

Joe Airtime
For TS2009 and TS2010 it is best to use the ones from as some of those have slightly modified scripts.

If you guys are considering adding any signals to your range the following would be useful -

1) Gantry mounted miniature home

2) Gantry mounted junction miniature semaphore (right and left branch)

3) Gantry mounted theatre indicator - if possible both a standalone example and one linked to a home doll as with the gantry at Scarborough).

4) Gantry mounted stencil indicator - dummy would be fine.

5) Gantry mounted disc.