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The rail that goes to the passenger station ends there. I could only figure out one way to handle that. I put in a bridge that curves around and comes back to shore at the other end. There has to be room between the pilings for a ship to pass through and I couldn't find a bridge with pilings spaced far enough apart so I ended the bridge-left a space and started again. Then I filled in with regular track over the space. This does not look right (although it works). I am curious as to how others have handled this situation. Can't just end the track at the station and back out.:confused:

Yeah the passenger track on the Seaport is a silly setup, not much you can do with it really.

But the way I usually handle it, I place a 'passing-loop' just before the entrance to the Seaport, I then setup directional markers so that trains will only go one through the passing-loop. This way a train can sit in the loop waiting if there is another at the station already.

That is *if* I use it, most of the time I connect tracks to make it look like its used but I don't, only use the freight tracks.

Hope this helps, I'll post a screenshot if need be... :)
This is what happens at a seaport as it is normaly the end of the line. But if you want to go on then you could use one of the many swing or cantilever bridges on the DLS to span sections for ship to pass through. The other way is to have a second engine ready to connect to the back of the arriving train for the return journey, leaving the first engine to sit in a siding for the next arrival.
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You can also lay a section of y-track that allows the train to turn around. This is how the passenger terminal in New Orleans operates. The train turns unto the wye , reverses and backs into the passenger terminal.

I have a few swing bridges that should be on the DLS within the week that are 800 or more ft long (double track too). They will automatically close when a train approaches and open back up after it has passed (ye olde mocrossing method). I'll be making some vertical lift ones also but that might be a few weeks.

there is a custom seaport, where there is no station, just the industries, im sure a station could be set up as youd like it, although this maybe only available in 2006, dont remember seeing it when i ran 2004


I am using 2006 and would like to know how to find the one you refer to.


im sure its a built in object, there is the seaport, seaport basic, and custom seaport. the custom seaport only has track on the sections where the industies are so you can do as you please, if its not built in i dont know where i downloaded it from, but a search on the dls will find it if its not


When you put that seaport in you have to remember that the water level at that point is the same as your land level. My seaport looks pretty good. I put the seaport there, colored the water the way I wanted it, then lowered the water in one place to the level I wanted, then use that level and plateau the rest of the water and voila!!! your ships are out of the water the way they are supposed to be.
Hope this helps a little.

Hi Sardon

Back to your original question about ways of handling passenger trains at seaport satation, I just use a train with a loco like the BR HST Class 43 at each end, drive to the station and unload. Then I use that driver command "Run around Train Extended" to change the driver to the other end and drive out to the next station wherever.

Thanks that sounds like a good idea. My bridge is working ok too. All that is needed is a way for the ships to get through.

If you are using a lift bridge like that made by vulcan the bridge is open and only closes when a train approaches. so shipping can pass through all the time. if you are using driveable ships most early ones ran on invisible track placed -7m below the water height, some newer versions are set at +3m above water level. see here for more on boats etc .
I normally use a turning wye at the seaport. A passing siding and a double ended loco would also work. A DMU/EMU would be good here, or the push/pull mentioned above with a loco at one end and cab car at the other. ...Claude