Screenshots with Winndows 10 Easy steps


New member

I would like to take some time to give some quick tips for screenshots using windows 10, yes I said the "W" word. Within the last major updates to Windows 10 was a revamping of its photo editing tools. I guess MS has finally realized people want simplicity for making their pix look better, who can blame them. Some of you may be following my Bazemore Yard layout update thread in the TMR17 forum and notice I post a lot of pictures. Now for whatever reason when I take screenshots regardless if it is Trainz or on Steam they always seem to be a bit darker and not as sharp as I would like them to be.

Below are 4 shots using the screenshots directly from TMR17 and then the same picture after using the Windows 10 Photo editor:

As you can see there is a noticeable difference between the 1st and 2nd picture of each set. Also besides being brighter the 2nd picture is more sharp.
How is this achieved ? Simple. Just download your screenshot from the Trainz Gallery and put it on your desktop or save it to a folder. Next open the picture by double clicking on it. Then in the upper right hand side you will have several choices. Choose "Edit", next you can crop and rotate if you desire or just click on your picture under "enhance" you can move the center line to adjust to the way you want to look or choose from a filter towards the bottom for different effects. I like the Napa filter myself.

Anyway if you choose "save" it will overwrite your original picture or choose "save a copy" if you also want to keep the original. Pretty painless.....some other tools that are handy is the "draw" tool if need to make notes on your pictures....
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Appreciate the lessons, good info!

Sir Railhead001.....Thank you for informative how too with Win Photo Editor, never thought to check on enhancer part, :wave: I'll be putting to the test tonight..
Is the Windows 10 application you used the freeware one called Photopad for windows 10?

Edit: Or is it the windows Photo Editor 3.01? I don't have any photo edit software in my Win 10 installation for some reason

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Is the Windows 10 application you used the freeware one called Photopad for windows 10?

Edit: Or is it the windows Photo Editor 3.01? I don't have any photo edit software in my Win 10 installation for some reason


It's Microsoft Photos 16.1118.10000.0 , try to get it from the Microsoft App store if you do not have it installed.....

Hope that helps
Hi Railhead, a search on that Microsoft Photos 16.1118.10000.0 in both the Microsoft store and the app store comes up with no result
Is that the actual name of the software? Any further help would be appreciated. I used the Edge browser with Win 10. Cheers
nimec - Microsoft Photos is a lightweight image-editing app that ships natively with Windows 10.
You'll find it on your apps list accessible from the Start button. Typically, it is one of the default tiled apps appearing on the desktop upon first installation of the OS.
My Microsoft Photos version shows version 17.120.10020.0 (an Insider build of Win10). It has a handy slideshow facility and provides a gallery for your images on OneDrive, local drives and uploaded smartphone images.
It has some excellent, easy to use WYSIWYG, single-click 'enhancement' and 'image adjustment' tools, but is by no means a Photoshop or CorelDraw Graphics Suite, or even GIMP replacement.
(Excellent value if you have none of these meatier programs).
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Hi PC Ace I don't have it in my Win 10. Actually had a look there first before I wrote t a post to this thread. Al I have is Photos with three options Collection, Album. folders. nothing about editing. I 'll have a look at it a bit more in a week or so as I'm way tomorrow morning for a few days. Is that the app you are talking about or is there another one actually called MS photo editor as Railhead was talking about? I don't use any photo applications on my PC so am flying quite blind here. That's why I showed interest in what Railfan was talking about. Cheers
Yep - we're talking about the same app. It shows as simply "Photos' on the desktop tiles, but is formally known as "Microsoft Photos" in the application credits.
Those three major options you mention above are shown when you have nothing selected, but as soon as you open an image for inspection/ manipulation, you get a context-sensitive toolbar of other image-editing tools.
Here's a photo I took the other day opened in the app. The tools to the right reveal many possible options for image manipulation as discussed above.


Try it and see.