Screenshots Gone Crazee


Well-known member
Over the last few days I"ve attempted to take Screenshots and they all come out like this , with the bottom portion distorted.Can anyone suggest what causes it? I run TRS2006 with SP1 installed and everything runs perfectly...:(
Hello Lewisner, are you using imageshack or photobucket or another system for your screenies please ??? I haven't seen anything like this before myself, what size are u doing them in as well please ???

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
I usually press "Print screen" then Paste them in Paint where I Save them.This is how they appear in Paint.
Sorry matey, I don't use imageshack so have no fundamental knowledge of how it operates, all I can suggest is that you do some twiddling around with your screen sizes and if you copy and paste into a folder you can set up within "Your Documents" on your PC instead of Paint, this will enable you to edit and resolve any problems you encounter. If this doesn't make any effect, I can only suggest you use another screenshot system off the internet and try that...Not very helpful I know but I cannot think what else to suggest...

Cheerz. ex.
im not very sure abt this but you could try upgrading to SP2 or even the new SP3, which might help with your problem.

sorry abt the above, i thought u were mentioning the windows xp sp1. mods u may remove this post.

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Hi Lewisner

I'd say that this has nothing to do with Trainz and is more likely a hardware or drivers issue. Take some screenies in something other than Trainz, maybe a loose joint (card not seated right) so don't panic yet!!

Thanks guys.The only thing I"ve done in the last few days is to re-install the PC game FEAR which is very demanding on graphics.I lost in in a PC crash but prior to that it ran OK as my PC is aimed at high end video games.I"ll try the drivers suggestion - it may be something along those lines.
seen something like this b4 on another game/software

are u using a fairly newish nvidia graphics card? if so there is an option in the settings called "negitive LOD bias" i found that not having this option set to "allow" messed up screen shots on many games, i hope this helps if not i'm sorry for wasting ur time :) good luck
I"m using 2 x Nvidia 6800 cards in SLI mode.I"ve tried playing around with the settings in options and its actually got WORSE! Over half the screenshot has turned into a surrealist painting.I also tried pressing Print Screen to save an "ordinary" (non Trainz) screen and it worked perfectly so I know the problem is Trainz related and nothing to do with Paint.....:(
Thanks PerRock that worked! When I tried to download Fraps it told me I already had Fraps.However when I tried to open it , it told me it was "corrupted".So I deleted Fraps and downloaded it, and much to my surprise it worked.The only prob now is that I have to shift the shots from Fraps to My Pictures.Once ahain thanks to all who helped.
Thanks PerRock that worked! When I tried to download Fraps it told me I already had Fraps.However when I tried to open it , it told me it was "corrupted".So I deleted Fraps and downloaded it, and much to my surprise it worked.The only prob now is that I have to shift the shots from Fraps to My Pictures.Once ahain thanks to all who helped.

I started to do that, but then decided it was easier to make fraps my trainz screenshot folder :D

I usually press "Print screen" then Paste them in Paint where I Save them.This is how they appear in Paint.
Are you opening the TGA files created in the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS200x\ScreenShots folder? They should be ok.

If you're pressing PrintScreen in Trainz, then immediately pasting the clipboard into Paint, that might explain it. I don't think that method is guaranteed for Trainz (although it is of course the standard method for most other programs).

I dunno....that was the way I was told to do it, and it worked and was easy! It still works fine for any other screen except Trainz.So the fault lies with Trainz, not the method.Anyway its working now and thats all I want it to do.....;)
I dunno....that was the way I was told to do it, and it worked and was easy! It still works fine for any other screen except Trainz.So the fault lies with Trainz, not the method.Anyway its working now and thats all I want it to do.....;)

And just a recommendation, (if you do already have it please ignore this) to open the TGA files and save them as JPGs you could download Irfanview (google it). :)

Edit: linky
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Yes indeed, IrfanView is a very useful utility. The TGA files created by Trainz are quite big, whereas JPG files derived from them are small.
