Screenshot of The Week: May 17 to May 24 2015 (Throwback)



Last theme we looked forward with modernization. This week we're going the other way with uhm...Throwback Monday? Show us some long-gone pieces of railroading, or even a classic shot from legacy Trainz. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.
Submission closes on May 24 at
12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

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The driver of a BNSF SD40-2 has climbed down to snap a picture of Southern Pacific GS-4 #4449 clearing the single line for him.

Do eh, seeing SD40-2's all the time count? I miss the days I could see SD40-2's all the time....

Since this is throwback, I though why not better then use MSTNoodle Content?

Time Traveling Talon goes too far back in Thomas in Trainz History.
A Santa Fe SD45-2 can finally relax as she reaches Cajon Summit back in '91, after the long, slow climb up from San Bernardino...

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Not sure if this could be called a "throwback" but lets just say this loco was "thrown back" in time.
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Where did you get that Green Mountain 405, I love that ALCo, I have had a picture of it hanging in my room since I was in 1st grade, I would love to have it in trainz. (My inner gimme pig would love it too.)

A Climax and its lone passenger car rumbles into a station on narrow gauge route I created in Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004.
