Screenshot of The Week: February 5 to February 12 2017 (Food Chain)



Most of us don't realize the massive amount of logistics required to get even the simplest things plates we often take for granted - moving a whole lot of living things to feed a whole lot of other living things. This week's theme is Food Chain. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on February 12 at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.
Two freight consists load up on grain and cattle in the farmlands.

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A sunny post from me for a change :)
Grapes on the vines, crops growing in the field and a little narrow gauge train chuffs out of the village full of locally produced fresh food.
From my Bernitz 760mm NG Route.

The Unstoppable train of corn for animal feed passes through the Pennsylvania countryside as a lash-up tries to stop the darn thing.
IAIS ES44ACs 502 and 506 Haul a moderate grain consist. A farmer can be seen harvesting his crop in the cornfield.
Cattle waiting at Ashburton

Cattle patiently waiting to be transported away to become part of the food chain as the GWR up passenger train leaves Ashburton .

Submissions are now closed. There are 9 entries for this round so up to 1 vote is allowed. Voting will be from now until February 19, 1200nn UTC. Please post your votes below.

I cannot see Peterwise photos, anyone has any idea why? Even if I click on "Reply with quote" there's no image link... :eek:

My vote DavMac