Route's from Trainz 1. Are they available on the DLS?


Owner of ZPW.
Seeing how these routes may have aged, are they on the DLS? I don't know the name of them, but maybe some Trainzers out there can shed some light on the route's.
what are you calling trainz 1

The earliest route I could find on the DLS was

gartest - Cadal
27th September 2001
Which is for service Pack 3 (SP3)
There are no TRAINZ CE routes on the DLS which I can see on the DSL
The original trainz CE was like a community beta / demo version and the first public available version of trainz.

Seeing how these routes may have aged, are they on the DLS? I don't know the name of them, but maybe some Trainzers out there can shed some light on the route's.
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Some Trainz 1.3 routes are on the DLS. I once downloaded a route from Trainz 1.3 into TS2010 (build 49933) which was based on a model railway trackplan by Hornby, but it unfortunately crashed the game. This is probably due to the fact that route file types have changed over time.

I do not know if this was an unfortunate circumstance which is only present on this particular route for whatever reason or something that affects all Trainz 1.3 routes.

So to answer your question yes they are on the DLS - Trainz 1.3 is also known as SP3 all routes from this era are categorised in the trainz grouping on the DLS
Some Trainz 1.3 routes are on the DLS. I once downloaded a route from Trainz 1.3 into TS2010 (build 49933) which was based on a model railway trackplan by Hornby, but it unfortunately crashed the game. This is probably due to the fact that route file types have changed over time.

I do not know if this was an unfortunate circumstance which is only present on this particular route for whatever reason or something that affects all Trainz 1.3 routes.

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