
New member
Hi all,

I love this program trainz 2006. Other than Bear Paw, I cannot get any other download route to run even though I use content manager to download and commit before I run tranz, it diesnt eve show up in the driver list that you scroll on the start page. I have tried various routes such as "tall Timbers" and Wiscosett Module and such with out luck. I know that the Tall Timbers route downloaded completely with the help of content manager from the DLS. I watched it and no errors or missing kuids happened. I commited it but no go. What am I doing wrong.


Wbmfishman :)
You must go into survayor,find the route there,then once it loads find the little wheel icon to the lower right of the screen,that allows you to place rolling stock,once you have set it up the way you like,go to survayor options save,then go to driver,and drive away.
Darn Gandalf you beat me to it! Plus I didnt read the question right anyway.:hehe:

All downloaded route will be located in the Surveyor menu as soon as you download them. You have to place rolling stock and locos to get them in the Driver list just as Gandalf said.

TCS Route Builder
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