Route Severozapadni draha


Active member
Hi Guys
Is there any one in the Trainz community who know the route
[ Severozapadni draha ]
It would be a route from Eastern Europe
The use of Google Translate revealed that the language is Czech. There is a Youtube video clip at

It appears to be a Trainz 2006 route. The YouTube posters description translates as

"Map "Northwest track":
Electric unit 471 'City Elephant' section in Kralupy nad Vltavou - Solutions Žalov a passenger train line S4 Kralupy nad Vltavou - Prague Masaryk Station with reporting stations and stops."
The use of Google Translate revealed that the language is Czech. There is a Youtube video clip at

It appears to be a Trainz 2006 route. The YouTube posters description translates as

"Map "Northwest track":
Electric unit 471 'City Elephant' section in Kralupy nad Vltavou - Solutions Žalov a passenger train line S4 Kralupy nad Vltavou - Prague Masaryk Station with reporting stations and stops."
Hi Pware
thanks for that information
yes i think that is the route i can not look at the video as it is also
blocked in China as is the download websites [ Mediafile dropbox and most others
Could you please see if you could find some more information for me
as i can not use any search engines either here in China
Kind Regards
Tonnt. [ herlev ]
Hi .
Thanks for the information
its not that route i think the route was made in trainz 2006
Thanks anyway
Tonny. [ herlev ]
Here is the first part of the link as identified by dougtrain. This is followed by an incredibly long list of dependencies, each available from the site as separate .cdp files - there is no indication if these dependencies are available on the DLS. I picked a few at random to search the DLS but none were available there.

Download - Northwest Bohemia

(the above is just an image in case your "Great Firewall" does not let it through)

Autor: kralda
Pro: TS 2010
Uveřejněno: neděle 3. listopadu 2013, 21:55:28

This is a project Severozápaních Bohemia. The project involves sections of Chomutov-Karlovy Vary, Chomutov-Vejprty, Chomutov-Prague Masaryk Railway Station, Chomutov-Ústí nad Labem. Not yet complete, but some lines are in a state that gave them safely jezdit.Díky recent problem with the map I had to make some adjustments because I převrtalo settings and erased the landscape around the town of Most. Colleges and vegetation is from Trunda. Some objects are made ​​by the author of this Magnat thank him for his dedication and time. Furthermore, the map worked Shark, this I thank him for checking maps + settings and NEGOTIABILITY certain sections. Excuse some deviations from reality in the map, but it is either because they do not know, it can not do so or that the map was applied to weaker PC.

Updating maps is time in TS 10, which was originally stored in a file on cmpa
Hi Pware
that is not the route i had a look at the website.
I downloaded just the map.
and look at the route but it is not the route i am looking for
the name has to be
Severozapadni draha [ draha means track ]
Your original link took me to the route link that both I and Pware are talking about, including a massive list of add-on CDP's. These Eastern European routes and the sites have often gone as they are closed down or deleted. Keep in mind that we are talking about 2006 and 2010 era. From experience then you are lucky to get anything at all now. Pware laid out the description for you from whoever was running the site at the time and it would seem to me that it has been altered from 2006 to 2010 in some way. It might not be the route you want but it is better than nothing, especially if you have such a list of dependencies to choose from. They are gold dust now considering what I explained at the start. Your options would seem to be take it or go without, as hard as that might sound. My estimation is that you are chasing a ghost.

Well i already have the route but missing the tracks and
26 items after i had to reinstall trainz after a power loss