Route Save problems


Prototype Operations Guru
I am not sure this is the appropriate place to ask this but, I am having serious trouble saving modifications to my route and or sessions. When I try to save, I get this error message:

Trainz could not overwrite read-only route files.
Try saving with a different name.

Is this normal or do I have a problem? How can I save my work without renaming it?
Hmmmm . . . I'm sorry to hear that.

I just went through the same thing . . . and it is nor resolved.

First of all it is a "BUG" in the 2006 software. I take it that your route is rather substantial and pretty large. Well mine is. The error started to happen after I reached about 10% complete on my route . . . even at 10% the drive time between 2 farthest industry is about an hour driving time. All the textures are in, main yard and the yard in the next city is done. I have a lot of scenery . . . never counted them but I wouldn't be surprised if the number of trees were over 100,000.

Anyway . . . It is a problem that doesn't afflict most users. So far, I'm assuming it only happens to very large routes . . . but I could be wrong.

ONLY USE AUTOSAVE !! DO NOT USE MANUAL SAVE. As ridiculous as that sounds . . . its true. BUT wait . . . it gets worse.

AUTO SAVE ISN'T RELIABLE Sometimes the AUTOSAVE feature disengages without notice !! Every time you save with a new name, only the current scenario is saved . . . all the others gets detached . . . NOT LOST. The scenarios are still there and you can access it in CMP but the map (route) its attached to doesn't exist anymore. They can be recovered.

SO FAR . . . speaking from experience . . .
#1 AUTOSAVE value (number in minutes) through the "Options" menu has to be set to a different number EVERY TIME you are going to work on your route . . . otherwise you risk AUTOSAVE suddenly disengaging.

#2 IF YOU WORK ON THE ROUTE ONLY . . . clicking on the route and NOT on one of the attached scenario, SEEMS TO ENCOURAGE AUTOSAVE to disengage somewhere between 1-1/2 hours to 3 hours.

#3 Reliable solution
- (so far for me)
I reset the AutoSave value every time (5 to 8 minutes) AND LOAD THE ROUTE & SCENARIO. I have created a scenario just to "test run" for visual and testing camera placement. When I do this . . . so far . . . I have not encountered the "read-only" error . . . even after many hours. I set the auto-save minutes short enough that every time it freezes to "save" . . . I know I'm not losing anything.

Now . . . every computer system is different AND this is a BUG in the programming . . . so what it does on your computer might be different than mine. I don't think there is much effort on Auran's part to deal with this BUG since it only happens to very few unlucky people.

I am contemplating buying a different version of 2006. Mine is build 3337. Or even move to TC . . . which I really don't want to do.

Sorry that this has to be kinda like telling you that your computer is HIV positive . . . and there is no cure.

Its OK . . . I was pissed too when I found out . . . . just don't kick the dog for it ;-(

Hope this helps a bit.

I haven't expanded my route in a while until last night. I added a few baseboard and some tracks. AUTO SAVE HATES THAT !! IT DISENGAGED AS SOON AS I ADDED NEW BASEBOARD OR TRACKS . . . EVERY TIME !!
Major Bummer :'( ! ! !

Yes, I do have a large route. Not sure how many squares, but it will have over 140 miles of main and branch lines when finished. It is 1900 era, so I have horse and buggy "trains" on invisable track in each town. I have only laid 32 miles of track. All my industries and stations are interactive too. I am using T2006, version 2.6, build 3092.

And I promise not to kick the dog!

How long does it take when it Autosaves? Mine takes at least 3 minutes. If I set it to autosave every 5 - 8 minutes, I would get very little done.

M solution has been - when I get the error message, I save it under another name, the same name every time. This way I can have my work saved. At the end of my work session, I then go into that saved as named route and save it as the original name. So far, this seems to work but is a real pain in the behind to remember to do it every time.

Thanks for your input and encouragement.

Major bummer is putting it lightly !!

My route takes just about 3 minutes to load and 45 seconds to "Auto Save".

What I do is create a "template" session that has all the "industry settings" in it. If I open the route WITH the template session, and if I get the error, I use the "Save As" (Saves ASS) command. The next box that opens should have the route name you opened to "save as". It works fine . . . the ony thing is, all other sessions other than the one you opened will be detached.

There is a way to re-attach sessions by putting it in edit mode and finding and assigning the correct map kuid will attach the session to the route again. I haven't tried it yet cause the sessions that got detached were all in-prgress, so I started over and its al under one session for now.

I haven't relly gotten into lots of sessions yet . . . but its gonna be a pain when I do.

Today . . . my AUTO SAVE hasn't worked yet. GRRRrrrrrrr . . .

I just ordered an import version of 2006 to see if that version has the bug. I am more and more thinking that we are in the realm of "Very Large and Complicated" routes that 2006 doesn't like.

We are the few unlucky ones Auran didn't count on.


Major bummer is putting it lightly !!

My route takes just about 3 minutes to load and 45 seconds to "Auto Save".

What I do is create a "template" session that has all the "industry settings" in it. If I open the route WITH the template session, and if I get the error, I use the "Save As" (Saves ASS) command. The next box that opens should have the route name you opened to "save as". It works fine . . . the ony thing is, all other sessions other than the one you opened will be detached.

There is a way to re-attach sessions by putting it in edit mode and finding and assigning the correct map kuid will attach the session to the route again. I haven't tried it yet cause the sessions that got detached were all in-prgress, so I started over and its al under one session for now.

I haven't relly gotten into lots of sessions yet . . . but its gonna be a pain when I do.

Today . . . my AUTO SAVE hasn't worked yet. GRRRrrrrrrr . . .

I just ordered an import version of 2006 to see if that version has the bug. I am more and more thinking that we are in the realm of "Very Large and Complicated" routes that 2006 doesn't like.

We are the few unlucky ones Auran didn't count on.

Hi guys, just having a look around the forum and saw your thread and thought I would add something about your problem.

While I do not use TRS2006/TC very often the same problem you are talking (not the AutoSave one) about has been around for a long time.

For example if you have 2 sessions for a layout and work on the layout ONLY then the layout is given a new kuid number when you save it. However this does NOT update the sessions and this is where the problem is.

This then means if you have a number of sessions for a layout then you HAVE to change the MAP/LAYOUT kuid number in each session.

Just my 2 cents worth and yeah I know its a pain in the ******** but thats all we have to work on.

The way you are looking at the sessions now is only for testing purpose and this will save you some headaches as you just create a new session later (unless it is a large session).

Another thing that may help with such a large layout is that changing the name is a good idea. You may have on your system the layout as 'layout1', then save your new work as 'layout2' and any more you have space for (2-3 is a good idea) then if you loose your current layout you can always return to the previous version ..... meaning you only loose the last hour/days work. The 'Golden Rule' is BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP.

Hope this helps in some way.

I get that problem on the marias pass route in surveyor, and I have got round it by using the save as feature.
