Major bummer is putting it lightly !!
My route takes just about 3 minutes to load and 45 seconds to "Auto Save".
What I do is create a "template" session that has all the "industry settings" in it. If I open the route WITH the template session, and if I get the error, I use the "Save As" (Saves ASS) command. The next box that opens should have the route name you opened to "save as". It works fine . . . the ony thing is, all other sessions other than the one you opened will be detached.
There is a way to re-attach sessions by putting it in edit mode and finding and assigning the correct map kuid will attach the session to the route again. I haven't tried it yet cause the sessions that got detached were all in-prgress, so I started over and its al under one session for now.
I haven't relly gotten into lots of sessions yet . . . but its gonna be a pain when I do.
Today . . . my AUTO SAVE hasn't worked yet. GRRRrrrrrrr . . .
I just ordered an import version of 2006 to see if that version has the bug. I am more and more thinking that we are in the realm of "Very Large and Complicated" routes that 2006 doesn't like.
We are the few unlucky ones Auran didn't count on.