Does anyone know of any rolling stock, on the DLS or elsewhere, that works like modern USA container cars, in that they stack containers 2 layers high? If not, is there a load/loading facility for that?
EDIT: Does anyone know of a stacking load for the wellcars?
EDIT THE EDIT(???): I just found a setting in the TTX-econo! Thanks again! (Mutters: I should have looked more thoroughly before I posted)
User CNR has single and 5 car articulated well sets for TTX and BNSF (and possibly more) at TPR here. All the cars load stacked 20, 40 and/or 48 ft containers.
There are some very nice TTX Flatcars on JointedRail.com
The following include:
TOFC 89ft flatcars
TTX Spinecar set: New & weathered. Set of 5
TTX Husky stack 53' set: New & weathered. Set of 3
TTX Maxi IV 3 car set
And if you want there are some tank cars & Hoppers there as well. You will have to create an account there to download these, and they are under the freeware section.]